Friday, October 29, 2010

Hakkapeliitta 5 Vs. Hakkapeliitta 7


Nothing Lucca this year. Nothing Mike Allred
But the curious will find my name a bit 'around: Moving Pictures on (NPE, as a translator and editor) on Lovecraft Black & White (Dagon Press, as a writer of short), maybe (if available at the Con) in volume 3 of dell'Hellblazer Peter Milligan (Planeta, as a translator), maybe (if available at the Con) on Comic-Soon with an interview with Stuart and Kathryn Immonen . Instead, alas, still nothing about the Black Velvet Volume dedicated to Alan Moore , postponed to 2011!
Well, who can you enjoy the convention.

Lucca none for me will never be like that of 2009.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Black Tech Deck Trucks

the Lucca Fury ink

Some time ago I dedicated a post to The Fury interpretation in pencil Trevor Hairsine included in the volume Alan Moore: Portrait of an extraordinary gentleman ( Black Velvet, 2003).
Well I am happy to show you the version inked by Kevin Nowlan Master , an artist that I follow and admire for a long time. It 'was a unique opportunity to have the opportunity of a commission on its part and I did not have made it go! Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Outers Gun Cleaning Kits

Moving Pictures coming soon!

Moving Pictures tell me when to be in print . Meanwhile, in the opening post found the back cover (with rib).
Below instead some opinions gathered from all over the web in relation to volume edition Top Shelf. Enjoy!

the darkness of the initial pages enigmatic and vibrant final, [Moving Pictures] is a comic simply can not miss.

comics rarely reach the emotional maturity displayed in this occasion.

Kathryn Immonen writes some of the more three-dimensional characters and stories of the most original comics.

The story is told in an indirect way and the reader becomes aware of the key moments through what the characters say and do not say. It is a very mature story that requires the attention and involvement of the reader.

In some crucial pages, we see the version of Immonen of the masterpieces that are the catalyst for this little conflict within a much larger one: they draw in a style more direct and immediate il tono della storia cambia. Suggerisce come l’Arte possa essere un riferimento per trovare un senso, in un momento in cui solo il tradimento sembra possibile.

Una meravigliosa, commovente sorpresa.

is the kind of book you read for the pleasure of reading. The conclusion of works, but the real joy is the journey.
Richie Dent