Monday, August 30, 2010

Welcome Letter For Car Hire

first wedding cake topper

This is the first cake topper that realization, I began with the bride, take the opportunity to model dressed in a photo studio found on the web, it was so easy that I immediately excited, I had not foreseen all the hard work that it took then to the groom ... a really bad tough nuts to crack, all a result of inexperience I guess, but made the first the next time I'll know what to do, in fact the real problem is keep him on his legs, while the bride has a very good support given by large dress, the groom must wait for the structure under dry properly before being weighed down by a bust , But I always care and I surrendered everything, but eventually the whole cake topper can be considered cute or at least to me These two are cute ....

the bride in production

the groom ... and seen up close ...
hello and wing next


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