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Language teaching in an intercultural context

The Glottodidactic

Research language developed in the last ten to fifteen years as C. Bettoni, G. Cortellazzo, A. Giacalone, R. Petrilli, in particular M. Vedovelli accounted for a substantial production of studies and essays on learning Italian as L / 2 of great scientific and historical. These studies. monographs and articles that offer a summary of lines of development of the learning process, or, as he says Vedovelli, inter-linguistic traits of the variety of learning Italian as L / 2. In this context, the recent bibliography of M. Vedovelli is to be added to the first and only, built in 1996 on the promotion of Italian in the world prepared by Anchor / Vedovelli so well articulated (sections with bibliographies, studies on learning, Italian foreign language teaching of 'Italian L / 2).
For schools and teachers is important for proper understanding of some aspects of descriptive analysis or projects conducted in the language field, indicating to their thinking:
clarifying the problems of the 'Italian L / 2 done by Giacalone and Vedovelli (1994) of the SLI at the conference in Siena in 1992
the leading role of 'University of Pavia for the theoretical models of' Italian L / 2, and a link of the research projects with the European Cultural Foundation and other European groups of researchers (eg.: No Dkittmar, W. Klein, C. Perdue) ..
the European Project of CNR on The "Root-Mediterranean cultural and historical national specificities, with a research unit on" Community and multilingual contexts Migration projects for research on spontaneous 's Italian L / 2 taken by the' University of Rome (La Sapienza University and the Third), as well as by the universities of Bologna, Lecce and Napoli.Si is intercultural projects, which also had a kind of pedagogical approach the work of Demetrio D. and G. Favaro.
-study activities and Search Learning (learning and acquisition of 'Italian L / 2) held at the University for Foreigners of Siena and of Perugia for teaching to immigrants and for upgrading and training of teachers involved with foreign students to Italian as L / 2
-model which relates the "Project Pavia " Vedovelli is that of inter-linguistic variety of learning, which allows you to assimilate the description of learning sequences with those of varieties with which they happen under the influence of contextual factors and internal factors extralinguistic structural, quasi-universal or general (management systems -Large variety-linguistic-cf. G. Bernini, 1994).
Currently Vedovelli believes that the linguistic research remain to be developed two main challenges: expanding the range of linguistic phenomena which reconstruct the stages of learning, define the conditions of possibility of relapse of educational understandings to develop a model learning capable of representing a point of reference for teachers who teach Italian in schools with a strong presence of foreign students.
undoubtedly Italian, from the historical investigation of the 'Italian Encyclopedia (1982-reported by Baldelli in 1987), which presented the situation of the Italian language and culture abroad (reasons study) to the present, has gone to meet the profound changes that have affected the characteristics of public grounds and areas of interest, even after the first wave of foreign immigration in Italy (late 70s).
In his two recent works (Italian for foreigners. History, present situation and prospects, 2002, and Languages \u200b\u200band Cultures in contact. The Italian as L / 2 for Arabic speakers, 2004) Vedovelli presents the elements that have changed the status of 'Italian popular among foreigners, the emergence of studies in language teaching and the high scientific production of books dedicated to' Italian L / 2 (Balboni 1994, Ciliberti 1994), Dictionary of Lavinio / Vedovelli (1997) quote nel sistema MILIA.
Vanno segnalati i materiali didattici creati per alunni /studenti stranieri inseriti nelle scuole italiane,segnatamente nella scuola primaria e secondaria di 1. grado, redatti da Bettinelli e Favaro ,come pure la diffusione della certificazione di competenza CILS dell'università per stranieri di Siena in contesti di formazione per immigrati(1997).
A ciò si aggiunge un gruppo più numeroso di case editrici che s' impegnano nella produzione di materiali didattici e collane di riflessione glottodidattica ( Bonacci, Giunti, Guerra, Le Monnier, Zanichelli), a cui ampi contributi sono dedicati dal convegno del Giscel del 1997.
Uno strumento importante per la diffusione della glottodidattica dell' italiano come L / 2 were the magazines such as "Letters from 'Italy," The Hound "," over Italian "," Rila "and" Silta, "the" Annals of the University for Foreigners in Perugia, "the" SI & NA " 's University for Foreigners of Siena.
For Italy, the two Universities for Foreigners of Perugia and Siena are poles major research and teaching and are committed to the production of educational materials specific to the' Italian as L / 2, as well since 1993, university degree courses (undergraduate short) directed staff to form specialized in 'teaching of' Italian abroad. Since 1998 the University for Foreigners of Siena does the first degree course in Italy for the teaching of 'Italian to foreigners. Viga

MORE '- insights

Albert L., Vedovelli M., M. Barni and a. Certification of Italian as a foreign language: the CILS and 150 hours, "Paths", Journal of Education. Adult, X, in December 1997.52-66Baldelli I. (ed.) The Italian language in the world. Survey motivation the study of Italian, Rome, 1997, Institute of the ItalianaBernini G. The database of "Projects of Pavia" on the Italian second language, in: Vedovelli M. (ed.) Problems of learning and 'teaching of foreign immigrants facing, "SILTA-Italian Studies in Theoretical Linguistics and Applied, XXIII, 1994, No. 2 .221 E-236Bettinelli, Favaro G. The Italian ... to meet, work, live. Milano, Guerrini, 1990Castellani MC (ed.) 1994-1997 MILIA-materials for teachers of Italian language. Update, Ministry of Education, local education authorities, Liguria, SagepFelici A. The language of Italian in Germany today, in: M. Montanari, When I was in Germania.Storia Italians in Germania.Lingua and emigrazione.Quaderno "Migrant Service", 19, Frankfurt / Main ,1996,120-196. Gazerro V. The choice of methodology of teaching Italian in Italian Svizzera.Quaderno L/2.-HSK Kurse, Frauenfeld, 1996.Gazerro V. Migration and culture. School and Italian language in Switzerland. Notebook "Service Migrants ", 6, Rome, 1997Gazerro V. 's teaching of L / 2 in HSK-Kurse school governing board Winter-thur. Cantonal Council, 3, W. V. 1999Gazerro First encounter with the' Italian L / 2. Learning Materials for the early grades, Unterstufe, Schulabteilung, Zurich, 45.1999 Gazerro V. Process verbalization - Paths language teaching. 4-Dossier educational Mittelstufe, Schulabteilung, HSK., Zurich, 1999.Gazerro V. Course of the Italian language in Europe. Emigration , language, intercultural issues in Germany and Switzerland, Armando, Roma 1999. ed.Gazerro V. verbal communication. Glottodidactic Directions. 5 - Dossier educational Schulabteilung, HSK:, Zürich, V. 2000Gazerro supplementary courses in Italian L / 2 - Models programming. Schulabteilung 1, HSK., Zurich, 2001Gazerro V. The construction of the verification tests in the courses of Italian L / 2 - 2 Schulabteilung, HSK., Zurich, 2003Gazerro V. Teaching Italian L / 2: to assess and certify skills. Schulabteilung, 3, HSK., Zurich, 2003Gazerro V. Teaching the Italian language. Multilingualism in multicultural contexts. The case of Switzerland, ed.Liceo Piero, Sansepolcro, Ramat 2004Giacalone A. Vedovelli M. Italian second language: a foreign language. Proceedings of the XXVI Congress SLI, Siena 0.5 to 7 November 1992, Rome, Bulzoni, 1994Lavinio C., M. Vedovelli The words of MILIA. Glossary, Ministry of Education, local education authorities, Liguria, Sagep, 1997Noetzel IU Learning Italian as a second language: a comparison with the learning of German, Department of Sociolinguistics, Univ.Pavia, Pavia, 1995Tassello G., M. Vedovelli School, Italian language and culture in emigration abroad. General Bibliography 1970-1995, Rome, CSER, 1996Vannini E. Proceedings of the refresher course for Italian-language service of the foreign universities., Siena from 0.16 to 20 Dicembre 1996Vedovelli M. (Ed.) Aspects of learning and guided spontaneous' s Italian L / 2 in the context of migration, "SILTA" XXIII, 1994, 2Vedovelli M. Learning and teaching of Italian in context of migration: an assessment models and interventions for recent immigration, in: "Paths", VIII, October 1995, 50-61Vedovelli M. The language of the emigrants, in: Montanari M, When I was in Germany. Stories of Italians in Germania.Lingua and emigration, "Migrant Service," 19, Frankfurt/M.1996,, 197 - 221.Vedovelli M. The identity of the 'Italian popular among foreigners, in: S. Brown, Proceedings of the initial training course for school personnel to be assigned overseas, Siena from 0.22 to 26 July 1997. University for Foreigners of Siena, M. 1998Vedovelli Multilingual communities and contexts of migration, in: E. Banfi Proceedings of the seminar co-ordination of language groups, CNR strategic project "Mediterranean" - historical and cultural roots, national specificities, Milan 25 June 1996.


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