Thursday, March 4, 2010

Drivers Ed Registration 2010 In Suffolk County

baptism cake Giorgio

Ed eccomi qua riemersa dopo una settimana di lavoro intenso , ieri è stato celebrato il battesimo di Giorgio il nuovo pargoletto nato a casa dei miei cugini Giusy e Franco che con lui hanno raggiunto il considerevole numero di 4 figli ...e non è poco di questi tempi . Loro sono gli unici parenti che abbiamo qui in Veneto anche se vivono a Padova e non ci si vede spessissimo ,sono sempre un punto di riferimento Giusy for us .... so when he asked me to make the cake .... about a month ago, I immediately started to think and plan, I wanted it to be really good, also because the father of the celebrated Franco is a big fan of sweets, so I really wanted to impress him, as well as the cake I offered to prepare some other things ... the buffet sandwiches, pies, pastries, truffles and fruit tarts, then last week was flown in these preparations, but as always is a pleasure for me to make them a satisfaction and then when people appreciate ... leave you some photos of my preparations ....

the quiche with broccoli and bacon ...

quiche with bacon and zucchini ...

made like quiche, but with the pastry in place of salt brisa.


my first ciocolatini
but just the first, first ... and it shows ... I bought the molds to SIGEP this year and I have never tried and with everything I've done a course and I worked well with the chocolate stage, there are a lot of flaws ... to notice the air bubbles that came out in all their beauty, but I have yet to practice this argument, the limited means at my disposal do not help much ... I'll have to equip themselves better.

Truffles made with ganache I had left the cake ... chocolate and rum and covered with some cocoa, some with coconut

here and pastries ..
cannoli with whipped cream and chocolate chips
puffs with cream, icing and granulated sugar
tartlets with cream, strawberry slices and almond slices
puffs with cream and strawberries.

tart with pastry cream and decorated with fruit and almond flakes.

And finally, the protagonist of the picture .... the cake ....

here the cake topper in the works .... I must say it came out da solo senza grandi difficoltà....magari perchè l'ho realizzato un pò di tempo prima senza stress e con tutta calma...

e qui la torta intera alla festa , con tutte le decorazioni in tono...

ed infine vi lascio la foto della fetta che sembra sempre la cosa meno importante nelle torte decorate , ma che invece al momento del cut becomes very important, because maybe a lot of decoration has left little room for attention to the taste ...
I must say that this cake with a bit risky because I've never tried it I used as the basis choccolate truffle cake with a recipe for The Schiefe Scientific trusting the words of Donald in his post ... both a guarantee.

choccolate truffle cake, chocolate ganache and dark rum, white chocolate ganache to cover, wet with rum, sugar paste.
Buonissimaaa feared a taste ... strabilante rather heavy and was surprised ... and have enjoyed all that was not the classic cake ....


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