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Fair handmade weddings organized by Magnolia in Florence

Here this is one of the work I did in past, the fair bride and groom who was held in Florence in May of 2009, it is always difficult for me to talk about something that did not happen at the same time when I speak, the emotions, the feelings of that day and the memories fade fade ... I can not remember the details, but having been an important stage of my career is important to me put it in this blog, I make many references and links to blogs, the fair was attended by many pretty girls, funny and above all, each with a good talent, but the thing that binds us together was the idea of \u200b\u200bsomething new, imaginative ideas and fantastic but at the same time ancient arts ; ... all done by hand ... ancient art gets a new look and gives birth to something unique and well made. As a work of very long to find all the links, nor the one of all which is what the inventor of this fair couple, to Magnolia, wedding planner in Florence. I must say that the air we breathe to the fair and then the one that reigns in his blog ... many ideas, cute, some brilliant, but simple and affordable for everyone, no matter where you have a lot of money to get the good taste and in a special event, but above all, commitment, organization and attention to those little special moments that create a positive memory , in the minds of those who participate, in what for the protagonists is an important moment of their lives together and marriage. In hindsight I do not know if I would have participated in this fair, I had no response and no economic demand, but costs and a long trip to Florence, with the regret of not having been able to visit it throughout the day engaged in event, but personally I consider a very important moment, I felt certain that if I was able to present not one but four cakes in one day, it would be a walk ... I felt certain that what I had learned during the Etoile design and manufacture of wedding cake was served to something ... but now call the talk, I show you some pictures, very good for the environment and the beautiful day ....

A cake and mini cake combined with a wedding dress

cake romantic

Cake spring

A vision of the entrance to the fair

Me with my cake, which was placed at the entrance of the fair to welcome guests.


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