Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rock Climbinghemorrhoids

the commentary (tenth episode) The world

Tenth appointment to the address book that aims to give an opinion on sports journalists and commentators in particular. Today we focus on three RAI journalists who have to do with football.

- Henry Varriale
Lo storico conduttore di Stadio Sprint ed ex inviato azzurro nella sua carriera a Viale Mazzini si è sempre occupato solo di calcio. Con pessimi risultati, direi. Le sue domande sono spesso e volentieri tendenziose ancorché provocatorie nei confronti dell'intervistato. Sono più coloro con i quali ha avuto un diverbio rispetto a quelli con cui non ha mai avuto problemi. Come inviato al seguito della Nazionale, specialmente nelle gestioni Trapattoni e Lippi, si è dimostrato più realista del re, assurgendo a difensore dell'indifendibile (basta vedere il suo tentativo strenuo di difesa della spedizione sudafricana). Il primo passo, ossia la sua sostituzione per il Club Italia, è stato compiuto, ora non resta altro che attendere the change of management at Stadio Sprint, what in fact happened in recent weeks for a temporary indisposition from which he promptly recovered. The questions it asks denote a lack of attention to the football player, and the prevalence of purely television or the search of the dispute. The habit of interrupting the speaker or even your colleagues is just a fad right as well as annoying.

Rating: 3 Stop

- Paolo Paganini
Journalist break deals mainly with soccer, but sometimes, especially at the Genoa Boat Show, is involved in sailing. In the past he remembers his disastrous performance as commentator at the swim an edition of the Europeans, as well as a few appearances in table tennis. This journalist puts me in the face of doubt sometimes seems well know what to tell other times it seems in the grip of absolute emptiness. As football commentator has been involved in rare occasions at meetings of the Pro League and Italian Cup and it is not so awful for the standard football Rai. To run, especially paired with Sabrina Gandolfi, not one guesses, steering a middle course here and there on the subjects without a minimum of narrative logic.

Rating: 5 Wavy

- Marco Mazzocchi
The son of art (his father James worked for TMC and is now at Dahlia) was a career marked by ups and downs. The highs are definitely in the conduct of Domenica Sportiva, the study of the World Cup and the Olympics, following the appointment as envoy to the country. The bass is almost all the subsequent appearances in "The Island of the Famous" and a "Top Of The Pops' version Ventura. As a commentator has been involved in rugby, demonstrating good knowledge and passion for the discipline, that sin was the result of the oval ball in the last century. How often host throws in the study hall gossipparo racket from the fourth band, as has happened for the World Cup 2010. Water World Championships in Rome in 2009, however, the study was well kept, perhaps helped by the fact that the timing of allow fewer digressions than swimming to soccer. In the past he has also worked in Alpine skiing. In his appearance not only a sport, or the report "K2-dream, the nightmare" dedicated to climbing the summit overshadowed by the death of Stephen Zavka, the work was of excellent quality with a capacity of involvement is not common. In short, my opinion is positive, although it is influenced by some sin.

Rating: 7 Potential poorly expressed

Tenth space that ends, I will start from next week to assess the field of excellence for TV sports, bets are accepted (and recommended) on your choice.


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