Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Can Surgen Be Sure It Is Fibrodenoma

Nosebleed ....

discounted security eh ... What? I do not think of any other, full vacuum, which luckily with these periods a bit like that, does not end the desire to do, to design.
Unfortunately you are not always willing to fight for everything, for every day that overlooks where you have to invent your life, you have to solve problems, prepare lunch and dinner and listen and knowing how to manage it all ... there are periods, which let's face it there's this and nothing else and a little heavy, but then immediately jumps to eyes that is exactly right and that it is so beautiful, I do not know much better than this.
Another major blow this week, yesterday's event was the result of the regional election ... I know, I know ... this is not the right context for disloquiare on this thing, but to me it burns ... a little bit much to be honest and then I just say that you could not do worse ... point.

stu bunch of flowers .... Now is not the mass of sugar, but corn paste ... and a bit around my mind to also try and fimo cernit ... now I bought two rolls of polymer clay that I decided to open ... my dream, but it's just a dream, would create a fairy ... I see it hard, but we return to the corn dough was made with this recipe

250 grams of glue
cornstarch 2 tablespoons sunflower oil or 2 tablespoons of Vaseline as says the original recipe

50 ml of water are mixed the ingredients in a nonstick saucepan, mixing well to dissolve clots
heat on low flame for 5 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon, always
When the mixture becomes detached from walls is ready (attention must be increasingly soft
when you are going to manipulate). It keeps the pan from the heat and lies now the dough on a Plan
smooth, greased with a little oil.
Allow to cool by turning it over once on the floor, rapprenderà further and finally anointing your hands with some oil s' knead to make smooth.

the settlement was made with roses, flowers and leaves, then some thread tape ... I wanted to send my mom for Easter Mass in one of those glass bowls transparent, so a thought ... .. I miss her so much.

Here the finished work ... a glass jar in which I put the chocolate eggs ...

Monday, March 8, 2010

Watch Southpark Uncensored Online For Free

Fair handmade weddings organized by Magnolia in Florence

Here this is one of the work I did in past, the fair bride and groom who was held in Florence in May of 2009, it is always difficult for me to talk about something that did not happen at the same time when I speak, the emotions, the feelings of that day and the memories fade fade ... I can not remember the details, but having been an important stage of my career is important to me put it in this blog, I make many references and links to blogs, the fair was attended by many pretty girls, funny and above all, each with a good talent, but the thing that binds us together was the idea of \u200b\u200bsomething new, imaginative ideas and fantastic but at the same time ancient arts ; ... all done by hand ... ancient art gets a new look and gives birth to something unique and well made. As a work of very long to find all the links, nor the one of all which is what the inventor of this fair couple, to Magnolia, wedding planner in Florence. I must say that the air we breathe to the fair and then the one that reigns in his blog ... many ideas, cute, some brilliant, but simple and affordable for everyone, no matter where you have a lot of money to get the good taste and in a special event, but above all, commitment, organization and attention to those little special moments that create a positive memory , in the minds of those who participate, in what for the protagonists is an important moment of their lives together and marriage. In hindsight I do not know if I would have participated in this fair, I had no response and no economic demand, but costs and a long trip to Florence, with the regret of not having been able to visit it throughout the day engaged in event, but personally I consider a very important moment, I felt certain that if I was able to present not one but four cakes in one day, it would be a walk ... I felt certain that what I had learned during the Etoile design and manufacture of wedding cake was served to something ... but now call the talk, I show you some pictures, very good for the environment and the beautiful day ....

A cake and mini cake combined with a wedding dress

cake romantic

Cake spring

A vision of the entrance to the fair

Me with my cake, which was placed at the entrance of the fair to welcome guests.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Bunion Operation Travel Insurance

Thank you so much ..... good cake and delicate .....

.... This short message arrived in my cell, I made this cake for a lady who does not know who has ordered through a friend ... These commissions are the worst, you do not know who, what tastes they have, where it will end your cake ... white paper, do not know how to trust, but in any case remain the most dangerous jobs, even those for which believe to do well and ends badly, or vice versa ... well at least the message reassured me .....

I started thinking about a shoe box with a top ...
but there were solo due giorni di tempo e ne ho perso uno a far star su una suola di scarpa che per l'umidità non ne ha voluto sapere ...alla fine mi sono arresa , sarà per la prossima volta ...anzi me la preparo già da adesso la scarpa , perchè è un lavoro da fare con calma....e allora è venuta fuori questa , senza pensata , senza disegnata..così ...parendo dal fiocco che doveva stare sulla scarpa col tacco , bhe carina...non è male per essere stata un ripiego.
L'interno soprattutto doveva essere buono...
innanzitutto perchè ho tagliato il pan di spagna in 4 strati finissimi , bagnati con sciroppo di zucchero e martini a cui ho spalmato sopra una salsa alle fragoline ,ottenuta da una confettura extra di fragole e pezzettini di fragole , poi crema chantilly e cosi via fino a finire tutti gli strati , ho coperto poi questa base con ganache al cioccolato bianco e la pasta di zucchero...beh , ottima e delicata va bene come commento...alla prox ...Mariella.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Drivers Ed Registration 2010 In Suffolk County

baptism cake Giorgio

Ed eccomi qua riemersa dopo una settimana di lavoro intenso , ieri è stato celebrato il battesimo di Giorgio il nuovo pargoletto nato a casa dei miei cugini Giusy e Franco che con lui hanno raggiunto il considerevole numero di 4 figli ...e non è poco di questi tempi . Loro sono gli unici parenti che abbiamo qui in Veneto anche se vivono a Padova e non ci si vede spessissimo ,sono sempre un punto di riferimento Giusy for us .... so when he asked me to make the cake .... about a month ago, I immediately started to think and plan, I wanted it to be really good, also because the father of the celebrated Franco is a big fan of sweets, so I really wanted to impress him, as well as the cake I offered to prepare some other things ... the buffet sandwiches, pies, pastries, truffles and fruit tarts, then last week was flown in these preparations, but as always is a pleasure for me to make them a satisfaction and then when people appreciate ... leave you some photos of my preparations ....

the quiche with broccoli and bacon ...

quiche with bacon and zucchini ...

made like quiche, but with the pastry in place of salt brisa.


my first ciocolatini
but just the first, first ... and it shows ... I bought the molds to SIGEP this year and I have never tried and with everything I've done a course and I worked well with the chocolate stage, there are a lot of flaws ... to notice the air bubbles that came out in all their beauty, but I have yet to practice this argument, the limited means at my disposal do not help much ... I'll have to equip themselves better.

Truffles made with ganache I had left the cake ... chocolate and rum and covered with some cocoa, some with coconut

here and pastries ..
cannoli with whipped cream and chocolate chips
puffs with cream, icing and granulated sugar
tartlets with cream, strawberry slices and almond slices
puffs with cream and strawberries.

tart with pastry cream and decorated with fruit and almond flakes.

And finally, the protagonist of the picture .... the cake ....

here the cake topper in the works .... I must say it came out da solo senza grandi difficoltà....magari perchè l'ho realizzato un pò di tempo prima senza stress e con tutta calma...

e qui la torta intera alla festa , con tutte le decorazioni in tono...

ed infine vi lascio la foto della fetta che sembra sempre la cosa meno importante nelle torte decorate , ma che invece al momento del cut becomes very important, because maybe a lot of decoration has left little room for attention to the taste ...
I must say that this cake with a bit risky because I've never tried it I used as the basis choccolate truffle cake with a recipe for The Schiefe Scientific trusting the words of Donald in his post ... both a guarantee.

choccolate truffle cake, chocolate ganache and dark rum, white chocolate ganache to cover, wet with rum, sugar paste.
Buonissimaaa feared a taste ... strabilante rather heavy and was surprised ... and have enjoyed all that was not the classic cake ....