Monday, March 14, 2011

Nissan Piston Black Death

Premio: Raggio di Sole

This blog was awarded the prize for the 2011 Sunshine Award from other bloggers. Thank you for this recognition which will allow me to pass the torch to other deserving blogs.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Do Plantation Shutters Block Out Light

Mazara del Vallo: Santo Vassallo e i suoi amici di Brera

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Is This 6cc0.sentinel

Mazara del Vallo: Appuntamento culturale

Thursday, March 17 at 11 am, on the occasion of the celebrations for the Unification of Italy, Lorenzo Greek presents The novel confessor Cavour in the council chamber of the Municipality of Mazara del Vallo.

A vent’anni da Tecniche dell’adulterio (Camunia 1991), breve romanzo letterario, protagonisti i gemelli Fausto e Giacomo, proiezioni antitetiche da Goethe e Casanova, con Il confessore di Cavour Lorenzo Greco torna alla narrazione rivisitando una figura assai nota agli storici del Risorgimento partendo da un manoscritto autentico: padre Giacomo da Poirino (1808-1885), francescano dei Minori Riformati. Una vicenda dai risvolti drammatici per questo frate che ha voluto vivere sino in fondo il ministero sacerdotale, pagando duramente lo scontro tra ragioni contrapposte di Stato e Chiesa. Perché fra Giacomo, divenuto negli anni Cinquanta more and more of its intrinsic parishioner Cavour, warns a duty of conscience priest to administer the sacraments on his deathbed, although suffering from papal excommunication. It is the beginning of his troubles: not so much the act itself (in similar cases had been bulldozing), and for the possible political manipulation of those last moments of Cavour. Hence the call to Rome, pressure and questioning of his father General, the Pope, the father Inquisitor to retract it, but did not move between James by a gesture that feels dictated by a duty of conscience (and with much secrecy of the confessional) . The consequence is the suspension a divinis , which he felt with particular suffering for the inability to say Mass and hear confessions, and that will take him to 74 years in 1882 to ask Leo to return to priestly ministry (as the letter published Sept. 29, 2010 from the 'Osservatore Romano), obtaining Only three years later, on the eve of death. The choice of Greek narrative propendente for the narrator of James is one to do so consistent with the manuscript News of my trip to Rome (repeated in the appendix), but also by the narrator of James's previous novel.
Greek Lorenzo was born in Mazara del Vallo in 1948. He lives in Livorno. In 1991 he wrote "Techniques of adultery," published by Camunia. He teaches contemporary Italian literature at the University of Pisa. His new novel, "The confessor of Cavour," is published by Manni
And it is good choice because it allows you to work for domestic reasons, including questions, concerns, ideas, memorial and look at what surrounds him in Rome and Turin , thus penetrating the consciousness of life and a priest. It is no coincidence that when the narrator recorded voices of others - the Roman convent of the brothers that speak to what happens in politics - the pages you are referentially flat by historical review, currently the intention of abdicating a story as' moral understanding and set a literary reconstruction "in some ways the current (so Greek). Although not all convinced me: like the old Pope's letter authorizing it to administer the sacraments to Cavour, in fact contradicted, forgotten between James and later denied by his friend Fra Paolino (so far look good, unfortunately scarred) ; pages from feuilleton TV with Pius IX who went incognito at night to confess the friar, before suspending a divinis , referring to the Capuchins (especially page 53), as if to confuse them with the Minor Reformed Fra Giacomo, the term Prior instead Guardian. The value is rather in the inner dimension of the story. Which is reflected in the portraits of many brothers (not that the Pope, too much calcium). And in private Cavour, family, sadly. Among weaknesses to be jolly women and food and fear of illness and death. (E. Paccagnini)

Friday, March 11, 2011

How To Say Reception In Spanish

Storyteller Alan Moore: interview with Millidge

In early July, Ilex Press will publish the volume Alan Moore: Storyteller by Gary Spencer Millidge . The volume promises to be unmissable for fans of Alan Moore and will feature an extensive biography, a rich iconographic and photographic, many rarities, including an audio CD with different songs and musical extracts from the raids and the performance of the Bard of Northampton . The 2001 catalog of

Ilex can be viewed and downloaded on Issuu . Alan Moore: Storyteller is on page 28.

Gary Spencer Millidge is the author of the cult series Strangehaven published in Italy by Black Velvet, and together we have kept the charge of 2003 Alan Moore: Portrait of an extraordinary gentleman . Millidge discussed Storyteller on his blog .
Below you can read a chat with Gary about his new project on Moore.

smoky man: How did you start working on another project related to Moore, after our Portrait ? Previously, he worked on a book about "comics design" ...
Gary Spencer Millidge: Nel 2008 per la Ilex Press ho scritto il volume Comic Book Design e alla fine del 2009 il loro editor Tim Pilcher mi ha chiamato per chiedermi di realizzare qualche pagina di prova per una potenziale biografia su Alan Moore. L’incarico effettivo per scrivere il libro mi è stato dato nella primavera del 2010.

Puoi rivelarci qualche dettaglio sul contenuto dell’opera?
È quello che gli editori chiamano una visual biography [una biografia realizzata con un ampio corredo di immagini e/o fotografie, N.d.T.]. Il libro è incentrato soprattutto sull’analisi, abbastanza approfondita, dell’intera opera di Moore, con un ricchissimo apparato iconografico, ma contiene anche una dettagliata biografia, in particolare della sua infanzia. Inoltre vengono esaminati la sua musica, le performance, la prosa e le illustrazioni, così come i suoi pensieri, opinioni e filosofie sulla magia, politica, l’uso di droghe e, naturalmente, Hollywood.

E il CD incluso?
Il CD incluso nel volume è una raccolta di brani che copre l’intera carriera musicale di Moore. Contiene tracce da ognuno dei suoi più importanti lavori musicali pubblicati ma anche diverse canzoni mai rilasciate, tra cui la famigerata Mr. A the Emperors of Ice Cream. All 19 tracks are being remastered by Gary Lloyd, who has collaborated with Moore on the audio version of Brought to Light .

The longtime fans will find something of Moore in the book? And readers of comics in general? And a person "whatever", perhaps attracted by the name of Moore because of the movies inspired by his work?
The book, as well as offering the most accurate and complete biography of Moore to date, including many rare and previously unpublished materials. These include: the reproduction of the Road "by Big Numbers in Much has been spoken in the past, many private photographs, excerpts from the notebooks of Moore (including sketches and notes for From Hell and Lost Girls) and a new script for an episode of V for Vendetta ever made, original designs by Captain Britain and Watchmen ... and much more. There is also a "full pages" with a chronology and a bibliography that puts in time all the works by Moore.

What was Moore's involvement in the project? Moore has a very strict ethics and respect to their works on himself, so ... I think he really trusted you, about the book, I mean ... Alan Moore
me given the maximum support during the making of this book, making himself available for interviews in person or over the phone, as well as providing pictures, notes and audio recordings, as I said before, in addition, he checked my final written to ensure the accuracy .

You are obviously a connoisseur of Moore ... but working on the book you've discovered something that surprised you? Perhaps as a result of your research or talking with Moore ...
The quality, diversity and prolific work of Moore is even more incredible than previously thought. Revising even his earliest works you realize the depth and variety of his writing skills. Have access to his notebooks was a revelation. It was incredible to see how they are similar to my own or those of any other writer, and this proves that behind there is some kind of magical technique but only a great intellect and a lot of hard work.

Have you worked for months on this book. It can be described as a "labor of love" for an author to which I have great respect and admiration ... What are your expectations from the standpoint of critics and sales?
I have no expectation that it will be seen as Moore to do sell the book, not mine. It is a "labor of love" in the sense that everything I do try to make it to the best of my ability. If all goes well, the book will increase the reputation of Moore and will open his doors to create another masterpiece.

In conclusion I can not help you one last question. Any chance of seeing a new number or new material Strangehaven in the near future?
is just a matter of time and money. In the current crisis, the time I spend working on Strangehaven can not really be ripagato dal punto di vista economico. Ma ho ancora intenzione di trovare una soluzione che mi permetterà di continuare e concludere la serie il prima possibile, ma non farò nessun altro annuncio fino a che non avrò delle novità concrete.
dal catalogo Ilex , pagina 28

Versione in inglese e molto altro qui.