Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Epatite C per 2 milioni di italiani, ma e' epidemia "sconosciuta"

Two million Italians who have contracted hepatitis C. The new cases are about three thousand year and ten thousand people each year die from the consequences of infection. Even if it remains silent the virus for years, in fact, is the leading cause of mortality 'to cirrhosis and liver cancer and is more an indication ' frequent liver transplantation. Yet Italians often know little about this infection. The survey shows that "hepatitis C knowledge and perception," commissioned by Donneinrete Onlus and Women in Hepatology and conducted by Swg and Health Communication , presented in Rome today to the House for the launch of the campaign "Save the liver there takes guts. Just a test." The data shows that only one in five Italian perception of the real spread of infection. Not only that many, including those living close to the disease, have no idea what was the source of the infection. In the absence of information , then, we continue to fear transfusions and contact with infected people. Despite what ', hepatitis C is not' considered a source of concern and by the population and 'outclassed by diseases such as senile dementia and more 'rare as sclerosis multipla.Per improve' information network and Women Women in Hepatology promote through print, web portals, radio and TV the social campaign that invites you to contact your doctor, to their local health or inquire about . For the occasion, and 'was also conducted for Donneinrete , a video of' association TooGeniusFreaks ( ). According to the ' World Health Organization, which last May, he acknowledged hepatitis C as a health issue di impatto globale, ogni anno 3-4 milioni di persone contraggono l’infezione nel mondo e in totale sono circa 140 milioni quanti vi convivono: il 2,2% della popolazione globale. In Italia siamo circa al 3%, ma in alcune aree del Sud si arriva anche al 25%. Tornando all'indagine, solo il 20% della popolazione considera l’epatite C abbastanza diffusa. Bassissima è poi la percezione del rischio con la conseguenza che l’infezione non viene avvertita in tutta la sua pericolosità e con la giusta preoccupazione . Inoltre, tre italiani su dieci, colpiti in prima persona o con un familiare affetto dalla malattia, ignorano quale sia stata la fonte di contagio.Nonostante ciò, gli italiani (soprattutto women) are well aware of the need to receive more information on an issue on which there are a lot of news is not always true, sometimes based on stereotypes. In this historic moment, moreover, public health and disease do not seem to be a priority for our countrymen . Only a fifth (especially women) if they have concerns, while the stronger concerns about the economic crisis and unemployment . Among the most feared diseases, cancer is at the head of each list: that is by far the scariest disease, followed by dementia, multiple sclerosis and from ' AIDS. While the hepatitis is not percepita come pericolosa. Alla campagna d' informazione presentata oggi hanno aderito i parlamentari Fiorenza Bassoli , Laura Bianconi, Franca Biondelli , Rossana Boldi , Gianni Mancuso e Ignazio Marino.


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