Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ragnarok Cute Emblems

I Pooh in concerto a Pescara e Sulmona

PESCARA. They were in three, for more than a year, but success has not diminished at all. The Pooh sono di nuovo in tour e si esibiranno anche in Abruzzo la prossima settimana per due tappe a Pescara e a Sulmona. Martedì 8 marzo, alle 21, saranno al Massimo di Pescara (organizzazione Delta concerti) e venerdì 11, sempre alle 21, al Palasport di Sulmona (organizzazione premio Augusto Daolio). Roby Facchinetti, Dodi Battaglia e Red Canzian saranno i protagonisti di un palco «senza tempo», circondati da una scenografia che riporta l’immaginario del pubblico a «quella terra priva di confini dove nasce la libertà» cantata in «Dove comincia il sole», il brano che dà il titolo al tour. «Finalmente si riparte... e lo diciamo con la voglia di salire sul palco di tre ragazzini, all’inizio della loro carriera», Pooh say in the press, "They'll be more than 40 concerts, but we are confident that the effort will be removed from the" musical enjoyment "which will give us the lineup every night. Sound and acoustics in theaters will be perfect, and with three great musicians to share with us this trip will be a really nice new experience. " The determining factor will live in these "energy" that has marked the first leg of the tour arenas. Pooh will perform alongside Danilo Ballo keyboards, Ludovico Vagnone on guitars and drums will take advantage of the technique and experience of Phil Mer, who despite his young age he has already worked with Pino Daniele and Malika Ayane. The present Pooh live tracks on the album "Where the sun begins" (released October 12 for Trio / Artist First / Believe Digital), in addition to their greatest hits, many of which, rearranged and re-presented with the new sound of the band. The direction of the show was prepared by the Pooh with Fabrizio Fabi Crico who designed and colorful scenes using the innovative technology of heat and lights Clay Paky, while the acoustic project is curated by Renato Cantele. To date Pescara tickets ranging from € 46 to 57.50 of the gallery of the chair of the 69 stalls.


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