Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sunlight Laundry Detergent

Domani il primo appuntamento Risorgimento, incontri all’ateneo D’Annunzio

"Made in Italy, Italians do: dialogues on the Renaissance" is the title of the seminars scheduled from tomorrow to May 3 D'Annunzio University of Chieti-Pescara. The initiative of the faculties of Humanities, Languages \u200b\u200band Literature, Social Sciences and Economics. The speakers are academics from various universities, will develop themes that are outstanding for cutting scientific and cultural, related to a current reading of the national unitary process. Themes that will fit into a historical debate of great interest. The first meeting is scheduled tomorrow at 9 am, in Chieti, in the main hall of the rectory. Luigi Migliorini Mascilli University of Naples l'Orientale, speaks of "Union or unity of Italy. A re-reading history of the unit. " Chaired by John and Stefano Brancaccio Trinchese. Wednesday, March 16, to 16 in the Paul V of the Faculty of Economics, Pescara, Pierluigi Ciocca, Luiss Guido Carli University of Rome, will speak on 'Independence Drive: hopes, but also economic? ". Chair Irene Fosi. Info 0871 3556500.


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