Saturday, March 12, 2011

What Is This 6cc0.sentinel

Mazara del Vallo: Appuntamento culturale

Thursday, March 17 at 11 am, on the occasion of the celebrations for the Unification of Italy, Lorenzo Greek presents The novel confessor Cavour in the council chamber of the Municipality of Mazara del Vallo.

A vent’anni da Tecniche dell’adulterio (Camunia 1991), breve romanzo letterario, protagonisti i gemelli Fausto e Giacomo, proiezioni antitetiche da Goethe e Casanova, con Il confessore di Cavour Lorenzo Greco torna alla narrazione rivisitando una figura assai nota agli storici del Risorgimento partendo da un manoscritto autentico: padre Giacomo da Poirino (1808-1885), francescano dei Minori Riformati. Una vicenda dai risvolti drammatici per questo frate che ha voluto vivere sino in fondo il ministero sacerdotale, pagando duramente lo scontro tra ragioni contrapposte di Stato e Chiesa. Perché fra Giacomo, divenuto negli anni Cinquanta more and more of its intrinsic parishioner Cavour, warns a duty of conscience priest to administer the sacraments on his deathbed, although suffering from papal excommunication. It is the beginning of his troubles: not so much the act itself (in similar cases had been bulldozing), and for the possible political manipulation of those last moments of Cavour. Hence the call to Rome, pressure and questioning of his father General, the Pope, the father Inquisitor to retract it, but did not move between James by a gesture that feels dictated by a duty of conscience (and with much secrecy of the confessional) . The consequence is the suspension a divinis , which he felt with particular suffering for the inability to say Mass and hear confessions, and that will take him to 74 years in 1882 to ask Leo to return to priestly ministry (as the letter published Sept. 29, 2010 from the 'Osservatore Romano), obtaining Only three years later, on the eve of death. The choice of Greek narrative propendente for the narrator of James is one to do so consistent with the manuscript News of my trip to Rome (repeated in the appendix), but also by the narrator of James's previous novel.
Greek Lorenzo was born in Mazara del Vallo in 1948. He lives in Livorno. In 1991 he wrote "Techniques of adultery," published by Camunia. He teaches contemporary Italian literature at the University of Pisa. His new novel, "The confessor of Cavour," is published by Manni
And it is good choice because it allows you to work for domestic reasons, including questions, concerns, ideas, memorial and look at what surrounds him in Rome and Turin , thus penetrating the consciousness of life and a priest. It is no coincidence that when the narrator recorded voices of others - the Roman convent of the brothers that speak to what happens in politics - the pages you are referentially flat by historical review, currently the intention of abdicating a story as' moral understanding and set a literary reconstruction "in some ways the current (so Greek). Although not all convinced me: like the old Pope's letter authorizing it to administer the sacraments to Cavour, in fact contradicted, forgotten between James and later denied by his friend Fra Paolino (so far look good, unfortunately scarred) ; pages from feuilleton TV with Pius IX who went incognito at night to confess the friar, before suspending a divinis , referring to the Capuchins (especially page 53), as if to confuse them with the Minor Reformed Fra Giacomo, the term Prior instead Guardian. The value is rather in the inner dimension of the story. Which is reflected in the portraits of many brothers (not that the Pope, too much calcium). And in private Cavour, family, sadly. Among weaknesses to be jolly women and food and fear of illness and death. (E. Paccagnini)


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