Sunday, December 26, 2010

Baby Shower- Bedtime Theme


the day is not today

in a parallel world
I hope

non la resa

Friday, December 24, 2010

Best Foundationfor Creamy Finish

Ohhh I want you more,
Than anyone ever wanted anyone before

I am what you are and not but me,
So hold me closer and don't ever let me go (don't let me go)

Lyrics from Krimson by   Warpaint

Monday, December 20, 2010

Winston Moseleyclinton Correctional Facility

do not let what the hell!

Va bene che il "mio" volume (nel senso che l'ho tradotto) Hellblazer came out of Friday 17 , and you know is not a good date, but ... what the hell? I go to the comic shop, purchase the tome (do not think that the humble translator is sent free copy, eh?), I begin to browse and read, eh ... The book is chock full of:
  • balloon with words run on all pages , from "quelcazzone" in the first picture of the front page! :)
  • balloon with thrilling new line and spelling nightmare
  • balloon wrong or missing in whole
  • balloon with missing words
And other little things, "delicious" as two balloon duplicate (page 96, panel 3, the second should contain the phrase "I'm good at hiding emotions."), a dida unreadable (in the opening page. 124, should be written "Day Five"), a phrase incomprehensible (p. 126, vignette, 7, reads an enigmatic "... And even if a bit '?" when it should be "And if I had used a bit ...'?").
He also spends a few typos, easily identifiable and traceable, in the text file of the translation delivered, but it is really the minimum.
Ah, mea culpa (I would not want the whole mess was over ***solo*** ispanica responsabilità di automa letterista!), un errorino di traduzione: ho tradotto "a/c" non come "condizionatore" ma come "ventilatore" (pagina 11,  vignetta 3). Non chiedetemi perchè (qualche demone burlone?)... bastonatemi e basta!

In chiusura, la traduzione, è attribuita nella pagina dei creditis (andatela a cercare armati di pazienza e lente d'ingrandimento) a Stefano Visinoni . Ah, un errore "positivo". Sono salvo... :D

Se è stato un incubo e la copia che ho acquistato è un unicum (come il Necronomicon ) svegliatemi pure...
Un ultimissimo dubbio: che gli spagnoli dopo la vittoria mondiale si siano montati la testa?
Fucking hell!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Penn Foster Career School Scam

chatting with Hellblazer

Sembra che Venerdì 17 (bella dannata data, no?), nelle fumetterie di tutto l'italico stivale sarà disponibile per l'acquisto il terzo volume dell'Hellblazer scritto da Peter Milligan . Si tratta di due "cicli" narrativi: India (n. 261-262-263-264) per i disegni dell'eccellente duo Camuncoli - Landini e No Future (No. 265-266) of the bombastic Bisley , author of the amazing covers. Well ... the translation shall be signed by your favorite smoky, with excellent supervision Michele Foschini, who got me involved in the business. It was not easy to translate the good John but I enjoyed much of demons, Victorian colonels, looming dark ages, scary events to the rhythm of punk e. .. the unmistakable colorful speech. I hope I have been up to. Anyway, we then reviewed for a second round. What
add more? Accattatevillo! :)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Argentinos Gay Hot Hothot

Engineers [3]

You do not need anybody to tell you who you are or what you are.
You are what you are.

Sibling Birthday Invitation Wording


above: Willem de Kooning , Montauk 1


8 It

damage. Numbers.
The occasion of today.

imaginary numbers. Imagine.
Upcoming events marked a wonderful madness.

The horizon is far away.
The sum of all its worth?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Can You Be Allergic To Tofee

The world of commentary (eleventh episode) The world

Eleventh race where I will focus on the commentary of Sportitalia, TV from 2004 that offers a wide range of sports in the clear. The first three that "judge" belong to the universe of football.

- Stefano Borghi
"The Voice". In my opinion, the best football commentator in circulation, and probably the best young sports commentator in circulation. His commentaries are not only descriptions of the matches, and their stories are real high level. He has a thorough understanding of the world football scene, not limited to the 3:00 to 4:00 as the major leagues for so many other colleagues. The Championship (Series B English) he commented has become my favorite race, as well as the deeds of the Argentine championship and South American tournaments are masterfully told. The pace is perfect, almost commentary, with pauses inserted at the right time. Compared with other colleagues, I noticed that one person combines the best qualities of several colleagues as the pace of Massimo Callegari, Massimo Marianella knowledge, the pathos and the austerity of Repice Francesco Riccardo Cucchi. I am convinced that it was in the drafting of Rai Sport, the company would have been listening very high only for the pleasure of listening to his commentary. His willingness to interact in forums, commenting is dedicated to the championships Full and welcomes the discussion with the Internet.

Rating: 10

- Federico Casotti
And 'one of the historic core of Sportitalia (with Miraglia, Ballarini, Scalia, Mattiolo, Piazza, Stools, Balzi, soil), since even the best expert on Italian dell'Eredivisie. From this year, unfortunately, the Dutch league is no longer transmitted in Italy because, they say, the bad habit of Dutch TV to raise the price following the positive performance of their nationality. Since the middle of last season, is the first entry in the French Ligue 1 who comments with precision and expertise. His main gift is to know how well read the development of the meetings and another point in favor is the ability to change the tone of voice only moments that really matter. Last season he made a "blitz" in another sport, or handball, the commentary of a semi-European or global, can not remember.

Rating: 8.5

- Luke Gregory
The young journalist is rapidly climbing the rankings in the preparation of calcium Sportitalia. Football Premium also works with the comment of some Serie A and Champions League. His commentary is very enjoyable thanks to the ability of speech and the gift of being able to maintain a high level of concentration of the viewer. A weak point is the key very sharp voice that reaches out to describe the key actions, a bit 'to Marco Foroni, so to speak. It 'also used with excellent results in volleyball and is a great connoisseur of basketball. In the coming years we will hear much about him, you can swear.

Rating: 8.5

conlude is the first event dedicated to Sportitalia, next week will be devoted to the drafting of the issuer's basketball Bogarelli Bruno. Greetings.


Friday, December 3, 2010

How Long Should I Not Shave Before Waxing

engineering [2]

"In life, unlike chess, the game continues after checkmate."

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Luggage Storage In Rio Gig

Freak (s)

Life is not a dream
When you can not wake up
from the dream you wanted

Lyrics from Freak by Smashing Pumpkins
Free download of the song here .

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rock Climbinghemorrhoids

the commentary (tenth episode) The world

Tenth appointment to the address book that aims to give an opinion on sports journalists and commentators in particular. Today we focus on three RAI journalists who have to do with football.

- Henry Varriale
Lo storico conduttore di Stadio Sprint ed ex inviato azzurro nella sua carriera a Viale Mazzini si è sempre occupato solo di calcio. Con pessimi risultati, direi. Le sue domande sono spesso e volentieri tendenziose ancorché provocatorie nei confronti dell'intervistato. Sono più coloro con i quali ha avuto un diverbio rispetto a quelli con cui non ha mai avuto problemi. Come inviato al seguito della Nazionale, specialmente nelle gestioni Trapattoni e Lippi, si è dimostrato più realista del re, assurgendo a difensore dell'indifendibile (basta vedere il suo tentativo strenuo di difesa della spedizione sudafricana). Il primo passo, ossia la sua sostituzione per il Club Italia, è stato compiuto, ora non resta altro che attendere the change of management at Stadio Sprint, what in fact happened in recent weeks for a temporary indisposition from which he promptly recovered. The questions it asks denote a lack of attention to the football player, and the prevalence of purely television or the search of the dispute. The habit of interrupting the speaker or even your colleagues is just a fad right as well as annoying.

Rating: 3 Stop

- Paolo Paganini
Journalist break deals mainly with soccer, but sometimes, especially at the Genoa Boat Show, is involved in sailing. In the past he remembers his disastrous performance as commentator at the swim an edition of the Europeans, as well as a few appearances in table tennis. This journalist puts me in the face of doubt sometimes seems well know what to tell other times it seems in the grip of absolute emptiness. As football commentator has been involved in rare occasions at meetings of the Pro League and Italian Cup and it is not so awful for the standard football Rai. To run, especially paired with Sabrina Gandolfi, not one guesses, steering a middle course here and there on the subjects without a minimum of narrative logic.

Rating: 5 Wavy

- Marco Mazzocchi
The son of art (his father James worked for TMC and is now at Dahlia) was a career marked by ups and downs. The highs are definitely in the conduct of Domenica Sportiva, the study of the World Cup and the Olympics, following the appointment as envoy to the country. The bass is almost all the subsequent appearances in "The Island of the Famous" and a "Top Of The Pops' version Ventura. As a commentator has been involved in rugby, demonstrating good knowledge and passion for the discipline, that sin was the result of the oval ball in the last century. How often host throws in the study hall gossipparo racket from the fourth band, as has happened for the World Cup 2010. Water World Championships in Rome in 2009, however, the study was well kept, perhaps helped by the fact that the timing of allow fewer digressions than swimming to soccer. In the past he has also worked in Alpine skiing. In his appearance not only a sport, or the report "K2-dream, the nightmare" dedicated to climbing the summit overshadowed by the death of Stephen Zavka, the work was of excellent quality with a capacity of involvement is not common. In short, my opinion is positive, although it is influenced by some sin.

Rating: 7 Potential poorly expressed

Tenth space that ends, I will start from next week to assess the field of excellence for TV sports, bets are accepted (and recommended) on your choice.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Price Of A Starbucks Brownie

ipse dixit [16]

Truth is a well-known pathological liar. It invariably turns out to be Fiction wearing a fancy frock. Self-proclaimed Fiction, on the other hand, is entirely honest. You can tell this, because it comes right out and says, "I'm a Liar," right there on the dust jacket.
[ Correspondence: From Hell Alan Moore & Dave Sim , part 3, Cerebus # 219, 2003]

Illustration by Sean McCabe

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Kates Playground Windows Media Player

Moving Pictures:

Pending to shake hands on a hard copy, this is the first review for Moving Pictures on MangaForever signed by Sergio L. Duma.
begins: "This graphic novel is an absolute masterpiece." The rest you can read it directly on the site .
course as a translator of the book are really happy to read such words (apart from the question about using the term "graphic novel" to the female or male:)). And I hope that bodes well for the reception that the volume will meet the readers and critics Italians in the weeks and months to come. Obviously it loud applause, first, to Immonen for having conceived and created a story of this caliber, and NPE and its editor, the gentleman Andrea Mazzotta, who believed from the outset, and invested in an Italian edition.
A round of applause - last but not least - to the rest of the team that made possible the volume NPE: Daniele Tomasi (layout and lettering), Valentina Serra (supervising texts) Eleonora Susanna & Matt Veltri (drafting).

At the opening of post, view of the stand NPE in Lucca, which stands a beautiful sheet
with printing the cover of Moving Pictures .

Monday, November 15, 2010

Mount And Blade Big Mods 1.011

first to review Genie [1]

"I do not believe in my death."

Salvador Dali the point of death.

Monday, November 8, 2010

What's Going On With Ga Farm Bureau Insurance

cake 18 years David

's so that they begin to remember me the time to celebrate a birthday, a friend of mine calls me and asks me if I make a special cake for 18 years of the child ...
This cake was very troubled, my first three floors all over the cake, assembled at home and then delivered with the eagerness to destroy it before presenting it, I was very anxious to spoil the party, but in the end everything went well, but I spent a day of intense stress, so the next time .... otherwise you will go and assembled on site?? is one possible solution, but something that does not destroy me psychologically, how did this ....

I just totally abandons the pictures from, I was so upset that the pictures have been my last thought,
fortunately everything went well and my friend was glad of the work. ..
the best compliment for this pie '??
that my vanilla cream was delicious ...
ps: I found this other image, turning the picture, I realized that a better perspective of the previous

Sherwood, Rv-6030-r Power

winnie pooh cake for the first year of the 23 th anniversary cake Gabriele

This cake I was commissioned by a super mom with a very special child, I really wanted was a nice cake, deserved both, with the hope of a peaceful life despite the difficulties ...

The shape of the cake I have something to say, but being very Italian cakes with soft sponge cake, custard sauces, and there is little to do, you can not make them square, or at least I can not do that for the characters but I'm very happy how they came out anyway and the cake was a hit ...
The inside was chocolate cream wet and rum to the top, trifle and wet alchermers to the lower level ...

Special Tigger

Special Winnie.

Model Nipple Piercing

Cettina and Stefano

This is an 'other pie that I have not posted in due course, a wedding anniversary, I wanted to make a cake but gentle as the informal party was a surprise and was celebrated with friends in the countryside

The interior was a sponge, wet Benevento, pistachio cream

here a closeup of the bow, came very well (modesty aside .... hi hi hi)

Hello and prox ...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Ritetemp Jumper Config

Cakes September, October and November

Hello, How long have I do not write here?? August by August .... ????????????????? well, then I have some cake to show you that you're not on feisbuck, because I Public once there, I forget to go well here and I do not update the blog address and then give to someone who wants to order a cake and missing a lot of pictures, but I've always enjoyed direct reports, this is more spontaneous in fb the blog, here ... I always speak only ideas that come: to publish recipes or experiment, but then taken from other things, goes and goes.
Returning to the cake, here is the latest:

cake for the christening of Miranda,
alchermers wet sponge cake with whipped cream and peaches.

cake for birthday Angelo, castle scooby doo, sponge cake with custard and trifle wet all'alchermers.

cake for birthday and Federica Brisilda, partied together and then I thought about doing a caricature of them which is not bad at all coming

These are their first hair cut.

Hello and prox.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Ceramic Fruit Centerpieces

Immonen's Comic-Soon

on free-press Comic-Soon found an interview with Kathryn & Stuart Immonen . To download PDF, click on the image in the opening post. Enjoy!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Hakkapeliitta 5 Vs. Hakkapeliitta 7


Nothing Lucca this year. Nothing Mike Allred
But the curious will find my name a bit 'around: Moving Pictures on (NPE, as a translator and editor) on Lovecraft Black & White (Dagon Press, as a writer of short), maybe (if available at the Con) in volume 3 of dell'Hellblazer Peter Milligan (Planeta, as a translator), maybe (if available at the Con) on Comic-Soon with an interview with Stuart and Kathryn Immonen . Instead, alas, still nothing about the Black Velvet Volume dedicated to Alan Moore , postponed to 2011!
Well, who can you enjoy the convention.

Lucca none for me will never be like that of 2009.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Black Tech Deck Trucks

the Lucca Fury ink

Some time ago I dedicated a post to The Fury interpretation in pencil Trevor Hairsine included in the volume Alan Moore: Portrait of an extraordinary gentleman ( Black Velvet, 2003).
Well I am happy to show you the version inked by Kevin Nowlan Master , an artist that I follow and admire for a long time. It 'was a unique opportunity to have the opportunity of a commission on its part and I did not have made it go! Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Outers Gun Cleaning Kits

Moving Pictures coming soon!

Moving Pictures tell me when to be in print . Meanwhile, in the opening post found the back cover (with rib).
Below instead some opinions gathered from all over the web in relation to volume edition Top Shelf. Enjoy!

the darkness of the initial pages enigmatic and vibrant final, [Moving Pictures] is a comic simply can not miss.

comics rarely reach the emotional maturity displayed in this occasion.

Kathryn Immonen writes some of the more three-dimensional characters and stories of the most original comics.

The story is told in an indirect way and the reader becomes aware of the key moments through what the characters say and do not say. It is a very mature story that requires the attention and involvement of the reader.

In some crucial pages, we see the version of Immonen of the masterpieces that are the catalyst for this little conflict within a much larger one: they draw in a style more direct and immediate il tono della storia cambia. Suggerisce come l’Arte possa essere un riferimento per trovare un senso, in un momento in cui solo il tradimento sembra possibile.

Una meravigliosa, commovente sorpresa.

is the kind of book you read for the pleasure of reading. The conclusion of works, but the real joy is the journey.
Richie Dent

Monday, August 30, 2010

Welcome Letter For Car Hire

first wedding cake topper

This is the first cake topper that realization, I began with the bride, take the opportunity to model dressed in a photo studio found on the web, it was so easy that I immediately excited, I had not foreseen all the hard work that it took then to the groom ... a really bad tough nuts to crack, all a result of inexperience I guess, but made the first the next time I'll know what to do, in fact the real problem is keep him on his legs, while the bride has a very good support given by large dress, the groom must wait for the structure under dry properly before being weighed down by a bust , But I always care and I surrendered everything, but eventually the whole cake topper can be considered cute or at least to me These two are cute ....

the bride in production

the groom ... and seen up close ...
hello and wing next