Monday, April 26, 2010

What Primer Acrylic Tamiya


Today I leave you the recipe for this cake very sweet and good, now we all know that its origin is from Vienna and who can not go to Vienna refrain from going to taste it,
you never understand how a simple recipe like the Sacher can buy all this popularity, but maybe I say this only because I've never tried the original, never been to Vienna .... or maybe like all those typical of a place to acquire taste the atmosphere in which they are tasted, then maybe when you take them home are not so special, but there, in that particular circumstance give you an emotion that affects taste.
The true formula is still partly secret, then moving a lot of recipes in both books on the web, I've used the basic technique that always gives the best result when the recipe contains a good percentage of fat, that is, cream the butter and sugar until creamy, but go to order starting with the ingredients ...
500 grams of dark chocolate as a cover
8 eggs 250 g butter 250 g sugar
230 grams of flour 00 salt
apricot jam


  • Melt 250 grams of chocolate in a double boiler tot

  • Cream the butter to the cream with sugar and a pinch of salt

  • Pour the chocolate cream melted and cooled, the mixture incorporating well

  • Separate the yolks from the whites, adding the first one by one to the mixture and whisk well the whites

  • also incorporate them gently with the help a spatula and finally add the sifted flour, delicately so that the mixture does not unmount

  • Grease and flour a baking sheet with a zipper to 24 cm in diameter, and then bake the cake in the oven for about an hour preheated to 180 degrees.

  • When the cake is cold is divided exactly in half, stuffed with apricot jam.

  • For the frosting in a double boiler melt the remaining 250 grams of chocolate a cucchiio combining butter and 6 of milk, stir until it has a smooth and homogeneous mixture and pour half the cake with a spatula only when it is warmed so that it is not too thin slides from all sides without adhering to the surface of the cake.

  • Place cake in refrigerator for 10 -15 min, and repeat with the remaining glaze, if heated in the meantime maybe you too will be thickened.

  • Put back in the fridge and finish after 15 minutes with the writing done with the help of a croissant paper or with a few small nozzle sach write

  • Mariella


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