Friday, April 2, 2010

39 With Osteoarthritis

Waiting for the Easter flavors with a modern twist but not too much.

weeks of preparation, my daughters go down to Sicily to find the mine and then I thought well that if I can not be there physically, I send them somthing , a way to celebrate even if it is not ... I said to myself that it was the only way to hear this Easter as far away from their traditions, from family and friends is that she feels something special in the air, apart from the spring, that is, every day most of the days become warmer and help to awaken from winter slumber .... and then as I said I put in the yard a little sweet ....

The puppets with eggs, are a typical dessert from Sicily, which gave the children a little bit like we do today with the Easter egg, are made with bread dough or biscuit milk and have a variety of forms, more or less artistic, decorated with colored tip ends and containing within them the hard-boiled eggs, the tradition is that you then eat as a snack or breakfast on Easter Monday.
I have made pastry and then decorated with sugar paste on the front, I have basically emulated placeholder that those cookies are so fashionable today and I put in the back, through un'intreccio, the hard-boiled egg ... .

Here the decorated cookies on a front I stuck with honey and sugar paste and decorated with colorful , ai bordi invece ho applicato con la glassa della granella di zucchero 


Qui si vede il retro...ben 25 biscottoni , che spero piacciano ai bambini a cui li ho mandati.

Per la forma ho usato quelle forme di plastica trasparenti uguali alle sfere natalizie che vendono nei brico da decorare.

The following is a clip
Venetian sweet and Sicily do not know for sure, one of all because it is made with polenta and us is the host grain, not corn, I do not know if it will be appreciated, but it will certainly be the My mom liked the raisins and dried figs, to be honest this is like so sweet to me so I do not like these ingredients, as a whole has a very special flavor

There is a real recipe for it, is a dessert typical of those that you were once empty beliefs ...
It starts with a polenta cooked in milk, I used the flash for half a kilo and I used 2 gallons of milk, the polenta is ready, we move into a large bowl that will add 50 grams
butter pound of sugar
400 grams of dried figs
400 grams of raisins soaked in vermouth to taste to cover it, then we will use the dough well
2 eggs zest of 2 lemons ;
zest of 2 oranges
200 grams of fennel seeds, I do not why I put them untraceable
1 tablespoon baking eg cakes
vanilla to taste cinnamon to taste
a pinch of salt to taste 00 flour to make the mixture thick
I also added almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts and pistachios. .. well ... a calorie bomb and I decorated the supeficie before baking with granulated sugar on the cake after baking and cold, with sugar flowers and leaves and sugar paste.
is poured into a mold greased and floured and is cooked at 180 degrees until a toothpick comes out semiasciutto not, will always remain a little moist inside and firing ranges in base alle dimensioni del dolce e all'altezza , con questa dose me ne sono venute due belle grandi , quindi si potrebbero anche dimezzare gli ingredienti.

Ed infine la pastiera , la ricetta la trovate qui nell'altro mio blog  l'ho fatta uguale a parte che per il grano , stavolta ho comprato quello da cuocere anzichè quello pronto...10 min nella pentola a pressione ed è fatta e il costo molto più irrisorio.
Ok  non c'è altro , con questo post mando a chi mi leggerà un augurio di  buona Pasqua e un arrivederci the prox.


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