Monday, February 28, 2011

Elite 1500 Arc Rangefinder Review

CHIETI. Una giornata per imparare come leggono e studiano ciechi e ipovedenti

Section of the Italian Union of Chieti blind and visually impaired in conjunction with the first circle didatttico organized a day to learn how to read and study the blind and visually impaired. On 1 to 4 years teaching circle has an appointment with the deepening of children and teachers on the method of writing Braille. Tomorrow at the site De Lellis, from 9 to 13 there will be lectures, workshops, activities and time with the greatest friend of man. Will in fact be a volunteer Italian Blind Union with his guide dog blind student to the school is now in fourth grade, which is now to step in studies with their peers, thanks to teaching in Braille and followed packed for her every day. Not all, with the project in progress, even his friends now read and write in Braille and have long had a constant correspondence, in this language, with a school of Barberino Del Mugello, where there is another child who is blind . (Sb)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Probation Community Service Letter Template

Liceo Artistico di Mazara Perché non intitolarlo a Consagra?

L’ex Istituto Regionale d’Arte di Mazara del Vallo, oggi Liceo Artistico, fino adesso non è stato intitolato a nessun personaggio importante della storia della Città.

Sono venuto a conoscenza, in maniera in-formale, che il Collegio dei Docenti (soprattutto nella sua componente mazarese) è orientato ad intitolare l’Istituto al Sacerdote Professore Gaspare Morello, fondatore, In 1967, the Regional Institute of Art in Mazara del Vallo. Provided that the High School, in its institutional bodies (School Director, Institute Council, the Academic Board), independently, can and must freely decide on the issue, I think, as an artistic work and professor of art and images of this City, it is useful to express my humble opinion. No one would belittle the figure of Father Morello, a militant of the Popular Party and the spiritual assistant FUCI that not only have affected the establishment of schools of the City (High School, High School, the Technical Institute, School of Science "A . Rosmini "Institute Regional Art), has helped in the 60s, the formation of many civic consciousness.

The question I / I ask you, in order to encourage greater reflection, is this: why not name it after the sculptor Pietro Consagra? Father Morello has certainly done a lot for this city and is remembered with a street named after him, outside the town of Mazara del Vallo, is remembered in Fermo, where he was Dean of the High School and Chairman of the Committee of Liberation. Pietro Consagra, probably did little for the city but, of course, has done much to Art, was one of the most prestigious leaders in the Italian, the group participating in "Form 1", and his works are in major museums and in many cities around the world.
time ago (in 2006), in "my" window on satirical Mazara there - now MazaraONline - I dedicated a piece titled "Consagra-Mazara: the fire that I bring here: city of Mazar del Vallo, Via Pietro Consagra (formerly Castelvetrano, where he lived with his family), Museum of Contemporary Art "Pietro Consagra" with a great sculpture [Image] front of the Master, Hall Consagra (sculptures e opere grafiche), grande retrospettiva, mostre a tema: “Consagra e il suo tempo”, “Realismo e Astrattismo”, “Consagra e il Gruppo Forma”, “Dalla Scultura Frontale alla Città Frontale”… Visita al bookshop: acquisto del catalogo generale delle opere corredato da saggi critici, nonché delle sue pubblicazioni ristampate (Vita mia, Architetti mai più…) e di qualche altra opera inedita… Itinerario delle opere all’aperto: Chiesa di S. Vito in Urbe, Statua di S. Vito (opera giovanile); Piazza Mokarta, scultura-fontana “Uomini che vengono dal mare”; Piazzale Quinci, “Monumento al Pescatore”, fortemente voluto all’epoca da Padre Morello (a proposito: che fine ha fatto il bozzetto?); Lungomare Mazzini-Hopps-S.Vito, percorso di sculture che dialogano con il mare; Piazza Matteotti, scultura di nuova acquisizione; visita al Cimitero Comunale, cappella monumentale del Prof. Francesco Catania, “scopritore di talenti” e primo suo mecenate e, per finire, visita all’Istituto Regionale d’Arte “Pietro Consagra”.
I botti dell’ennesimo spettacolo
pirotecnico mi hanno fatto svegliare di soprassalto e, solo in quel momento, mi sono reso conto di aver sognato. Molto di questo sogno, forse per miopia politico-culturale, rimarrà tale ma qualcosa, ancora, potrà essere realizzato e si potrebbe Art School to begin naming the city. Father Morello Even if he were still alive, most likely they would be happy!

Giacomo Cuttone

Friday, February 25, 2011

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Trigliceridi e rischio ictus

The risk of stroke rises for both men and women if they have higher levels of nonfasting triglycerides. It 's the conclusion of a Danish study published in Annals of Neurology that shows how the extent of fat in the blood may be a diagnostic indicator for the prevention of cerebral infarction'. The researchers have established the Copenhagen University Hospital examined the clinical data of over 7,500 women and 6,300 men monitored over a period of 33 years. For women the increased risk and 'estimated between 1.2 and 3.9 times respectively more if triglycerides exceed the 89 mg / dl and 443 mg /, while in men, with the same values, the risk grows from 1, 2 to 2.3 mg / dl.
The researchers wanted to investigate an area that usually escapes all'identikit for cardiovascular risk. Currently, the health recommendations point the finger on cholesterol as a key factor in preventing stroke, do not take into account the value of the measured triglycerides after meals. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) cardiovascular disease is the leading cause di morte a livello globale, responsabili di oltre 17 milioni di morti in tutto il mondo (2004), di cui 5,7 milioni dovuti a ictus.

Alcuni consigli utili:


I trigliceridi svolgono nel nostro organismo essenzialmente la funzione di riserva energetica: le calorie in eccesso, quindi, vengono trasformate in queste sostanze, per poter essere immagazzinate con facilità. Chi ha un tasso elevato di trigliceridi nel sangue, pertanto, deve innanzitutto ridurre harmonically taking all foods, to balance the calories (the "revenue") with the energy expenditure (the "Release"), and so reduce weight. Improving weight control, the level of triglycerides will decrease.


slow to digest complex sugars, which is especially abundant pasta prepared and cooked "Italian , are absorbed from the intestine more slowly than simple sugars, complex sugars, or even compared to the fastest-digestible such as those contained in the bread and potatoes. Consequently, they enter less quickly in the blood, stimulate a lower production of triglycerides by the liver. In some subjects, in addition, fructose (the sugar in fruit are rich in the autumn (persimmon, figs, grapes) and tropical fruits (bananas, pineapple, etc..) Represents a powerful stimulus for the production of triglycerides. We must limit the 'use of this fruit in the presence of high levels of triglycerides.


The vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, which plays an effective action Control absorption intestinale dei grassi . La fibra contenuta nei legumi (che sono tra l'altro ricchi di zuccheri a lenta digeribilità) è particolarmente interessante, da questo punto di vista. Inoltre la fibra vegetale è scarsamente sensibile alla cottura: l'effetto descritto, pertanto, si mantiene anche nella verdura cotta.


I grassi saturi, caratteristici dei cibi di origine animale, tendono a stimolare la produzione di colesterolo e di trigliceridi da parte del fegato, mentre i grassi insaturi, which are rich in vegetable oils such as corn oil, have an opposite effect. Remember, however, that the most important thing, is not restriction of dietary fat, but that sugar : diet, in other words, must be more similar to that of a diabetic patient with high cholesterol.


Alcohol in all its forms (wine, liquor, beer) in many subjects stimulates an intense production of triglycerides by the liver. In the presence of hypertriglyceridemia is therefore necessary to control or better the elimination of this substance. because the personal response to alcohol is highly variable, and moderate consumption of alcohol may increase the level of HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol) is good to maintain control of triglycerides after 2-3 weeks of diet completely free of alcohol, without changing the rest of the structure of the diet.


fats in fish are characterized by three interesting properties: are effective in lowering the rate of triglycerides in the blood, play action antithrombotic (similar to that within certain limits, well known, owned by aspirin) and are also good antiarrhythmic . Two or three meals of fish per week (or at least an adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acids from food, supplemented or enriched), should steadily in our diet.


Increase your physical activity contributes in some ways to normalize the level of triglycerides. It can help to control body weight, an element, as he remembered, of recognized importance from this point of view, and also helps the muscles to "burn" better themselves triglycerides to produce energy necessaria per il movimento. L'attività fisica, infatti, aumenta l'attività degli enzimi che digeriscono i trigliceridi (soprattutto la Lipoprotein-Lipasi, o LPL). Praticare un'adeguata attività fisica, tra l'altro, è un elemento essenziale di ogni ricetta per il benessere e la salute.


Un elevato tasso di trigliceridi nel sangue può essere la conseguenza di malattie a carico del rene (la sindrome nefrosica, per esempio), del diabete mellito, o dell'uso di certi farmaci (specie di alcuni farmaci per abbassare la pressione arteriosa). Il medico, talvolta con l'aiuto di alcuni appropriate testing can clarify the cause of hypertriglyceridemia and activate, at this stage, targeted therapeutic intervention.


Your doctor may decide, in certain situations, to administer certain drugs to reduce the rate of triglycerides in the blood. These drugs are taken continuously, such as drugs for diabetes or blood pressure or cholesterol. If procure medicines disorders (which also happens rarely), not stop treatment, but consult with your doctor.


order to correctly measure the rate of triglycerides, and see if it is amended following a proper diet or due to the effect of a drug, you must be fasting at the time of the levy by at least 12 hours, and having consumed the previous evening, a light meal. Do not get up during the night, to drink a glass of milk or a sugary drink in the refrigerator: the test result could be affected. If possible, also used the same laboratory for the future control of serum triglycerides.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

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Vedere, Toccare, Ascoltare

NAPOLI. Il Servizio Educativo della Soprintendenza Speciale per i Beni Archeologici di Napoli e Pompei, sempre propositivo per i fruitori del patrimonio culturale napoletano, museale e territoriale, propone, per sabato 26 febbraio 2011 presso il Museo Archeologico Nazionale, un insieme di iniziative volte ad utenze diverse sperimentando nuove forme di approccio all’arte.

Le iniziative nascono, alcune dalla collaborazione tra la Soprintendenza, l’Unione Italiana Ciechi, l’UNIVOC e il Museo Omero, altre dalla consolidata esperienza avuta con l’ICRA Project diretta da Michele Monetta e Lina Salvatore.

La giornata ha inizio alle ore 9.00, nella Sala Conferenze del Servizio Educativo, con il Convegno “L’Arte è uguale per Tutti” in cui si dibatterà sulle tematiche e le esperienze realizzate con il pubblico con disabilità visiva.

Al convegno farà seguito alle ore 12.30, l’esposizione del “Cristo Ri…velato” di Felice Tagliaferri, scultore non vedente, che presenta una scultura tattile dal doppio significato: “velato per la seconda volta” e “svelato ai non vedenti”.

Dalle ore 15.00 alle ore 18.00, proseguendo fino al 13 marzo, visite tattili alla mostra e alle sculture antiche a cura del personale del Museo Archeologico.

Non solo vedere e toccare, ma, sabato 26 febbraio, alle ore 17.15 e alle ore 18.15, anche l’ascolto Early Music Maestro Biagio Terry who, with his spinet, will serve as background to the performance "Tabula illusory," Laboratory performance of Expressive Arts Drama ICR LEDA Project, which will be staged in a lively lunch trimalcionesco from the "Satiricon" , a theater in the theater.

The show will be repeated on March 5, 2011.
Infotel reservations:
Educational Service 081 442 22 70 98 87 347 844
UNIQUE (guided tactile) Project 081 578 22 13
ICRA (tabula illusory)

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Web più accessibile per i non vedenti

His is a mission: to combat prejudice on the blind use of new technologies and encourage designers to better treat accessibility of sites. Vincent Rubano (photo) is a blind student of Class 3A Coast Institute of Lecce "tired of absurd prejudice prevailing among the people, that those without the use of view can not use the computer and the Web page, even learning to program in advanced computer languages, "the complaint in this post.

He then took advantage of the campaign "M'illumino less" conducted by the program "Caterpillar" Rai Radio 2 to launch its own battle called "M'illumino less ... but we 'see' more." An initiative that will use Web to raise awareness and to discuss.

On February 18, 2011 it returned "M'illumino less", the Energy Saving Day was launched by Caterpillar popular radio show, broadcast on Rai Radio 2. This year is special because it was dedicated to 150 years of Italian unification.
The invitation to citizens, institutions and companies, is to help create the "energy silence", symbolically turning off the lights are switched on and if anything, to clean, made from renewable sources.

Even my school, the Institute of Costa Lecce, is participating this year and does so with my own that I called "M'illumino less ... but we 'see' more!" I am Vincent Rubano, a student of Class 3A, the visually impaired.

Since the category of blind people, for reasons of force majeure, may not notice the lights go out, at home, the street or in the streets, I thought of an original way to participate in the Radio 2 also all the people who are in my condition.

On 18 February 2011, at 18, rather than turn off a light, I "on" this web page. The page will remain "on" for a week, until 25 February, and will serve to make a survey about the use of new technologies (computers, internet, social networks, etc..) by the blind.

I go to the address "programmers" and I often hear you ask, with wonder, how can a blind guy can use the PC, Web and related services, or even learn how to program in HTML, PHP etc.. This

my idea, then, wants to dispel this belief and show bad that there are many persons who do not have the use of sight, are quite capable of "seeing" a monitor!

On this basis, I would then "turn on" public attention on the delicate question of accessibility web sites and computer programs, by calling the poll to express a personal "advice" to give to programmers and designers to ensure that from now on no longer neglect this important aspect.

Thursday, February 17, Massimo and Philip (the conductors of the transmission Caterpillar), spoke directly to my initiative, I'm excited ....

I really hope that many people participate in the poll, so I will get two results, the first is to make sense of valid research and the second is that it contributed in my small way, to spread the good initiative "M ' Lights not "even the blind people.

In closing the period of observation, data collection and elaborate, again on this page, in a few days I will publish the results of the survey. If these are encouraging, and if the media will give you a hand in publishing the results in turn, may be able to scratch with this simple yet another injury and to encourage people to "open your eyes"!

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Seminari di studi sul "nomenclatore tariffario" 2011

the rehabilitation process FUNCTIONAL AND SOCIAL people with sight aids TIFLOINFORMATICI THROUGH: IT skills and awareness of ophthalmologists and figures responsible for the rehabilitation of the blind and visually impaired.

1. Introduction:

tifloinformatici The use of aids is an extraordinary process of functional rehabilitation for the blind and visually impaired, thanks to them, in complete autonomy can read, write and communicate on a par with sighted people.

job opportunities, culture, information, communication and entertainment offered by these new fields of independence won, inevitably result in an equally remarkable social rehabilitation of the visually impaired, that weight becomes the protagonist in his own family and in your environment.

The national and local institutions responsible for providing aids and the Union of Italian Blind and Visually Impaired, which protects the interests dei minorati della vista, e tutte le figure specialistiche che gestiscono questo processo, hanno quindi il dovere morale, prima che la responsabilità, di interagire fra di loro per il perfezionamento, la semplificazione e la economizzazione di questa preziosa forma di riabilitazione in modo tale da renderla sempre più efficace e gratuita a tutti i minorati della vista che la richiedono.

2. Obiettivi generali:

Il seminario formativo nasce appunto dall’esigenza di offrire risposte chiare ai numerosi quesiti posti dai soggetti che a diverso titolo intervengono nel processo di riabilitazione visiva. In particolare:

i minorati della vista chiedono:

1. di disporre di una efficace rete di cooperation that can sustain them and their families in the process of visual recognition of disability and rehabilitation to identify the most appropriate to their residual capacity;

2. comprehensive advice in choosing the most suitable aids to individual needs and different diseases, uniformity of action calling for the deployment of devices, including the realities of healthcare of the four provinces of Abruzzo;

3. update the tariff nomenclature prosthetic and more information on the various forms of contributions for individual devices, both under the nomenclature that those not recommended by the ministerial decree;

Union Italian for the Blind and Visually Impaired asks

1. in order to inform the visually impaired also aware that, while not being involved, they turn to health facilities or Abruzzesi to ophthalmologists;

2. uniformity of treatment for all visually impaired people in the region and for the enjoyment of those rights provided by the entire national and regional legislation related to technical aids and computer

ophthalmologists and orthoptists ask

1. to know and be updated regularly on devices on the market and the tariff nomenclature in order to establish a unique functional link between aid and pathology, in accordance with the obligations Law art. 5 co. 2 of the Ministerial Decree of 28 December 1992;

staff responsible for the allocation of AT ASL asks

1. clear rules, continual updating of knowledge and the solutions adopted by other local in order to establish a uniform mode of allocation.

3. Specific objectives:

first report. The first report will focus on the psycho-pedagogical analysis of subjects with visual impairment and the importance of electronic aids in their rehabilitation process, with particular attention to the social function of rehabilitation. To this end, the speaker will have expertise in psychological and typhlology.

Second report. The second report will have the important task of clarifying the meaning of the functional and social rehabilitation of the legal rules laid down by the numerous national and international level. The report will focus on the overall meaning of the term "functional" and "social" also clarifies the principle of "functional uniformity" mentioned by Legislative Decree 332/1999. The rapporteur will have expertise in the field of rehabilitation and will focus on different modes of action for the various age of the subject with visual impairments.

Third report. The third report will focus on legislazione nazionale e su quella della Regione Abruzzo: ne chiarirà l’applicazione e ne evidenzierà le criticità. La relazione conterrà anche la descrizione di esperienze regionali virtuose. Il relatore avrà esperienza in campo giuridico ed in particolare nella legislazione speciale.

Quarta relazione. La quarta relazione porrà l’accento sulla realtà abruzzese riguardo il processo riabilitativo in generale, ponendo attenzione sui processi riabilitativi attuati nelle quattro province abruzzesi; illustrerà i progetti del Comitato regionale d’Abruzzo dell’Agenzia Internazionale per la Prevenzione della Cecità, IAPB-Italia onlus. I relatori (due oculisti del Polo IAPB Abruzzo) avranno il task of explaining the reality of Abruzzo as a whole and update on the activities of Polo prevention and rehabilitation.

Fifth Report. The fifth and final report will be held in the afternoon and will address specifically the technical analysis of AT tifloinformatici payable under the National Health Service (listed in the Parts Price List) and introduce the related workshops. The speaker will be recognized competence in the field and tiflotecnico tifloinformatico and explain specifically, the following tools in the Parts Price List:

* Voice synthesizer - Equipment connected to a PC capable of playing at least words in Italian to unlimited vocabulary and able to read item in the screen in text mode. 201.11.0121.09.15.003

* System ICR-recognition system and reading printed texts by scanner complete with application software for personal computers. 201.31.0121.06.06.003

* Magnifier for personal computer software - text magnification image of the screen of a personal computer 8 to 16 times. 201.21.0121.06.03.009

* braille display (tested at home) - a device with a minimum of 20 piezoelectric Braille 8-point, connected to a personal computer and able to reproduce in braille the screen in text mode

- to 20 Braille characters. 201.11.0521.15.15.003

- a 40 caratteri braille. 201.11.0721.15.15.006

* Stampante Braille Collegata ad un PC - stampa in caratteri braille a facciata singola i dati inviati attraverso la porta parallela o seriale, velocità di stampa 20 caratteri al secondo.

4. Organizzazione:

Data, luoghi e tempi del seminario: sabato 11 giugno 2011, Pescara, Auditorium L. Petruzzi - Via delle Caserme dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 18.00
Metodologia adottata: relazione; workshop; dibattito;
Scaletta generale delle relazioni:

- Dalle ore 8.30 alle 9.00: registrazione dei partecipanti.

- Dalle ore 9.00 alle 9.15: apertura del seminario effettuata dal Presidente UIC Regional Council of Abruzzo.

- Start time 09:15 to 13:00: Discussion of the first four reports. The reports will be introduced by two moderators.

- from 13.00 to 14.00 - Lunch Buffet.

afternoon - from 14.00 to 15.00: Discussion of the fifth report, introduced by a moderator.

- From 15.00 to 17.00: workshops to hands-on aids. Each workshop will be led by industry experts, mostly blind and partially sighted people who held demonstrations with screen-readers, magnification systems, scanners and multifunction printers, braille and black connected to a PC, notebook and PDAs, a tablet i-pad, a mobile phone, etc..

- From 17.00 to 18.00: discussion, conclusions and test ECM

5. Actors:

- visually impaired and family

- ASL managers and staff of rehabilitation and prosthetic services;

- ophthalmologists and orthoptists;

6. Stakeholders concerned with CME credits:

- ophthalmologists;

- orthoptists;

7. Membership:

Entries must be received by filling out the application form to be received by the due date of May 21, 2011, at the headquarters I.Ri.Fo.R. Abruzzo, ophthalmologists and interested orthoptists CME credits will be charged the same € 30.00 per share fee. The I

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Campo estivo ragazzi “Svago e autonomia” Estate 2011

. I.Ri.Fo.R. Abruzzo region has also decided to organize for the year 2011, the summer camp in question reserved for boys of the Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired Abruzzo aged between 6 and 16 years. Specifically stated that: • The

summer camp for 2011 will be held this year at the Center Holiday Poker (tel. 0873/918321 - Casalbordino lido (CH) located 3 km from the A14 north of Broad in the period 2 July to 9 July 2011, will arrive at 16.00 Saturday, July 2, 2011. The restart avverrà nel pomeriggio di sabato 9 luglio appena dopo il pranzo;

· L’iniziativa è rivolta ad un numero massimo di 10 ragazzi;

· I ragazzi saranno assistiti da un insegnante di mobilità e orientamento e da almeno 3 assistenti;

· Il costo dell’intero soggiorno è pari a 200,00 Euro a persona e comprende la pensione completa con sistemazione in quattro bungalow vista mare con giardino e veranda, servizio spiaggia, 4 piscine, palestra, sauna, idromassaggi, animazione diurna e serale. Per informazioni più dettagliate rivolgersi allo scrivente ufficio ( tel. 085/4217414 – );

· Le prenotazioni, con contestuale versamento dell’importo di € 200,00 a persona, dovranno essere effettuate entro e non oltre il 31 maggio 2011 tramite Vaglia postale o Bonifico Bancario intestato a: “I.RI.FO.R. Regione Abruzzo” Via Palermo, 8 – 65122 - Pescara codice IBAN: IT19U0100515400000000200001.

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Soggiorno “Anziani Insieme” 2011

Il Consiglio Regionale UICI d’Abruzzo ha deciso di organizzare anche per l’anno 2011 il soggiorno estivo anziani in oggetto. Nello specifico ha stabilito che:

Il soggiorno estivo anziani per l’anno 2011 si svolgerà a Cavalese (TN), nella suggestiva Val di Fiemme, presso l’Hotel La Roccia (tel. 0462/231133 – nel periodo 19 – June 26, 2011 (starting the morning of June 19 and finish in Cavalese in the afternoon and returning on 26 fasting). It provided a packed lunch to be consumed in roadside restaurants around 12.30. Will be carried out, among other things, daily excursions in the nearby town centers, visits to local museums, walking group in the surroundings, physical activity and well-being at the pool and the hotel's sauna and massage center, and opportunities for discussion at the host structure and there will be collective recreation in the evening, all of which will be interspersed with ample space for rest and spontaneous gatherings. Finally, it is scheduled to meet with the leaders of UICI local and specific sessions with the sociologist Mauro Marcantoni;

L’iniziativa è rivolta ad un numero massimo di 50 persone tra soci ed accompagnatori (circa 12 per Provincia). In caso di non raggiungimento delle prenotazioni previste per ciascuna Provincia, detta ripartizione potrà essere variata. Inoltre nel caso in cui il numero complessivo non venga raggiunto potranno partecipare anche soci “non anziani”;

Per socio anziano si intende un’età non inferiore ai 60 anni;

Il trasporto avverrà tramite pullman G.T. da 54 posti con spese a carico del Consiglio Regionale UICI d’Abruzzo. Il Pulmann rimarrà a disposizione dei soci per tutta la durata del soggiorno. I partecipanti, inoltre, saranno informati successivamente on the times and points of collection to be achieved independently;

The cost of the stay is EUR 336.00 per person (almost certainly the participation fee per person will be raised to € 250.00 through presented a project to finance the self. I.Ri.Fo.R. Central) and includes accommodation in a double room. Any difference to take advantage of the single room is EUR 15.00 Euro per day for more detailed information, please contact the writer office (tel. 085/4217414) or the Manager of the Mr. Domenico Buccione (Tel. 085/4711122 - Mobile 328/7539485);

reservations, with the simultaneous versamento dell’acconto di € 100,00 a persona, potranno essere effettuate entro e non oltre il 30 aprile 2011 tramite Vaglia postale o Bonifico Bancario intestato a: “Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti – Consiglio Regionale d’Abruzzo” codice IBAN: IT93U0100515400000000201288. Il saldo sarà effettuato appena arrivati in albergo.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

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“Che bella giornata”

Ti siedi nella poltrona dell’ampia sala cinematografica e all’apparire delle prime immagini già sorridi. Il personaggio, di nome Checco, è simpatico, si muove con naturalezza goffa e irridente, il linguaggio, un misto di italiano e dialetto con accento marcatamente pugliese, lo rende impacciato e nello stesso tempo spigliato nei dialoghi e nel comportamento.

Checco è un bravo “terrone” bene integrato nella splendida dinamica Milano, brillante e avvincente nel donarsi agli altri, nel dispensare consigli agli amici, pronto a superare a suo vantaggio le difficoltà del quotidiano vivere. “Cocco di mamma” we once said, loved by friends and relatives living with smug indifference worried his days just to find a fixed employment. Checco want to wear the uniform of a policeman, but was rejected three times for exams. However, the dream of wearing a uniform, to be vigilant even in a public or private, ever goes down. It occurs so through the mother, the pastor of the district where lives to be employed by the Bishop Museum in the city with an urgent recommendation to the Bishop of Milan. Get a contract of three months with the promise of power to make a career in the supervision of museum property, and then also have access to the protection of senior cardinals. Checco, naive praticone, performs the task with diligence, but also with superficiality. Hex wants to meet a Muslim girl who, with his brother and the support of other secret terrorist plot to blow up the Madonna del Duomo where Checco was intended to do It 's beautiful Farah Muslim, and our inexperienced young s' falls in love with her, but in a different direction than many first times with peers and girls just met. His heart now shudders, Checco not express, for shyness, and feelings. A trip to Puglia to participate in the rite of baptism of a child, takes the girl and her family Checco in the country of origin. The fat and merry representation of small events, with irony and sarcasm makes surreal il modo di vivere e di comportarsi della gente del sud: amicizie, spavalderia, favoritismi, regalie, bravate, piccole corruzioni vengono sviluppate con sapienza dal bravo regista Gennaro Nunziante. Ritornati a Milano, la sorpresa: il giovane affabile Checco viene licenziato. L’ultimo giorno del suo lavoro di guardia alla Madonnina è vissuto con tristezza ma anche con sorpresa finale. Farah porta, chiuso in una valigia, un dono al suo amico. Anche lei vivrà quel giorno con La valigia non contiene un dono per Checco ma il timer che dovrà fare esplodere la bomba preparata dai terroristi per distruggere la cupola del Duomo e la Madonnina. La bomba esploderà, ma in luogo lontano. La ragazza in quei pochi giorni vissuti con Checco e con la famiglia him, including, with pain and regret, what it means family, love, love, feelings she denied for absurd reasons of hatred and revenge. She will go away, run away with her brother and other terrorists from Italy, but did not want to leave marks of blood and a trap in his path. Did not destroy the beautiful cathedral. Earlier I wrote: "the first image already smiling." It 's true, but I smiled bitterly and anxiety. I have lived similar experiences failure and his friend made the recommendation, the priest, friend and devoted mother, father and children away tired. In this fine film is all told with wonderful ease, the comedy is not powered, as in this time, the vulgarity, the soundtrack accompanying the viewer and the piece involves him nicely exposed. "What a beautiful day." What Bell'Italia! And what a nice Italians, bishops and peasants, priests and believers. My anger that I say bravo to South Checco Anzalone and the director have wittily narrated and represented part of our behavior with sharp realism, to smile and enjoy the inattentive viewer. But how much bitter truth. I smile it is true, but needle sharp point have the heart. I wonder if one day this irony will not serve to change a people and direct them to think and believe in justice and equality without some manipulation? We smile, I repeat, I and many spectators, pretending to learn what we already know for some time, while a grin of bitterness and sadness was fixed on our lips.

Giacomo Giannone

How To Un Become A Fan Of Things On Facebook

IRIFOR Circular No. 9 Central Board of Directors - Territorial jurisdiction of the components.

Si rende noto che il Consiglio di Amministrazione Centrale, nella seduta del 15 febbraio 2011, ha assegnato ai propri componenti un territorio di riferimento, in modo che le strutture territoriali abbiano un interlocutore diretto cui rivolgersi per problematiche di loro interesse.

La competenza territoriale è stata così definita:

Vitantonio Zito: Puglia, Molise, Abruzzo

Alessandro Licheri: Sardinia, Lazio, Toscana

Paolo Colombo: Campania

Nicola Stilla: Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria, Val d'Aosta

Maria Mencarini: Marche, Umbria, Emilia Romagna, Triveneto

Gaetano Minincleri: Sicily, Calabria, Basilicata.

The Managing Director, prof. Luciano Paschetta, for its part, is available to all local structures with regard to the setting of the initiatives, and also, in particular, as regards the accreditation of training sites.


The National President

Prof. Daniel Thomas

Bill T Jones Sun Studios New York

job, final go-ahead to restore the quota reserved for disabled

approved a bill to restore the share of compulsory recruitment: the Labour Commission of the Senate voted on the text during the deliberation

ROME - the final green design law that returns the quota on compulsory employment for people with disabilities: the Commission of the Senate Labor and Social Welfare has approved the text in the deliberation
interprets the meaning of the rule had provided a right of priority orphans and widows of victims of war and terrorism, stating that is not affected the share prescribed by law for persons with disabilities. After the classroom is the House, the Commission's Labor and Social Security of the Senate is the definitive one: there is no need of a change in the classroom. The text of the bill AS 2545 (the first signatory of the Democratic Party Amalia Schirru) concerns "the authentic interpretation of paragraph 2 of Article 1 of Law November 23, 1998, No. 407, on the application of the provisions concerning compulsory recruitment and the quotas in favor of the disabled "Yesterday there was the vote of the Budget Committee.

The result, expected by family members and associations, is the result of a long and laborious work carried out in the relevant committee and emerged in the aftermath of the approval of Law 126/10 on international missions, which went to art .5 curtail the percentage of jobs reserved for the disabled to support of orphans and widows of war. That is going to change, in fact, paragraph 2 of Article 1 of Law No 407 of 1998 on the latter obligation confidential recruitment, amplifying the effect and establishing some sort of priority of recruitment than other categories of persons in distress. "I am very pleased - said Amalia Schirru before signing - and met: the course was fast, the House there was a unanimous vote and finally healed the rift is created between the inevitably weak. Back to the right to work for the disabled, but without prejudice to the volont5à on our part to open up new opportunities to the families of victims of labor and terrorism. Maybe thinking about an extension of the quota reserved for them. Hopefully from now on you can do better. "

street demonstrations since last October, the danger of seeing in 2011 in Italy over 20 thousand seats reserved for disabled employees from" other categories "of workers, the data of V daunting Report Parliament that indicate a strong discrepancy between the subscribers to the placement and the effects of goodwill created has actually accelerated the process and allowed the bill to become the common heritage of many disabled people, in groups and associations. Already at the end of January, in fact, the House had unanimously dismissed the act in the relevant committees and the Sacconi had reassured on outgoing calls, all relating to the mandatory employment of disabled people in 2011.

remained the only vote of the Labour Commission this afternoon the Senate: the goal was reached. "A great result - he added Augusto Battaglia, responsible for the Pd-term care - one of the bill Schirru, made possible by the great efforts of associations for the disabled. This law gives a right and almost 10 thousand seats reserved. Now, however, must still work, beyond the satisfaction, and continue in this effort to get the results that Law 68 does not emerge from the V Report to Parliament. "

Meaning Of Slave Bracelets

MUSIC Alessandra Amoroso in Sulmona

SULMONA. The zero date tour will be held Alessandra Amoroso Tuesday, March 8 at 21.30 at the indoor stadium of Sulmona. Tickets cost € 32 (including pre-sale rights.) Elite Agency Organization Venus and entertainment. Amoroso Alessandra shows "The world in a second tour" with the musical direction of Nut Parisini. The choreography is by Daniel Ezralow. Assisting musically Alessandra Alessandro and David Pieralisi Magnalasche, guitars, Ronny Aglietti, on bass, David Pecchioli, the battery, Roberto Bassi, keyboards; Gianfranco Campagnoli Campagnoli Gaetano, Francesco Izzo, on horns, and Lucia Pamela Scarponi Vaona, choir. Four dancers: Andreina Caracciolo, Gianluca Lanzillotta, Alessio Bond, Daniela Stradaioli.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Merilyn Sakova Vs Milena Velba

Air Travel: Alitalia has Safety Card for the blind

ROME. The safety cards for passengers who are blind and visually impaired. The initiative is unique in the world, 'was presented today by the President of ENAC Vito Riggio, and the managing director of Alitalia, Rocco Sabelli.

The paper, which has all the safety information for the passenger, and 'made in Braille, with figures in readability' for visually-impaired and in accordance with the requirements of legibility 'and contrasting colors for the visually impaired. The new map 'was developed in collaboration with ENAC, the National Federation of Institutions for the Blind. Alitalia will be 'the first company in the world to make it available on board the aircraft of about 90 medium-haul Airbus fleet.

In particular, on board an Alitalia Airbus medium-haul aircraft, passengers who are blind and visually impaired as well as receiving a personal briefing by cabin staff will be able to see the new card that will contain ': - print texts with fonts and colors suitable for the visually impaired (and any companions) - printed books in Braille - the figures printed in 3D to illustrate issues such as the location of exits, the design and configuration the cabin, the mode 'to fasten and unfasten your seat belt, their positions in case of emergency, the use of life jacket and oxygen mask.

''Cosi 'as already' happened for the first edition in Europe of the Passenger Bill of Rights in Braille, which we have printed and made available since June 2010 - Riggio says - we are proud to present this additional information useful support in favor of blind and visually impaired passengers. I want to remember that it 'was created for the first time in the world and will travel from our country' flight of Alitalia, the first company to adopt the draft. Alitalia, therefore, chose this new policy to welcome on board dei viaggiatori con disabilita' visive, segno della particolare attenzione del vettore alle necessita' del passeggero''.

''Dedichiamo questa iniziativa - ha aggiunto Sabelli - alle migliaia di passeggeri non vedenti e ipovedenti che ogni anno volano con la nostra Compagnia. Alitalia e' orgogliosa di essere la prima compagnia aerea al mondo ad aver scelto di adottare questo nuovo strumento dedicato alla serenita' e alla sicurezza dei passeggeri e che rappresenta un ulteriore passo del proprio percorso di innovazione e di responsabilita' sociale''.

La safety card per non veenti e ipovedenti sara' disponibile, entro fine marzo, su tutti gli aerei della flotta a medio raggio di Alitalia. (sen/mcc/alf)

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Conversations: Todd Klein

few weeks ago on a valid site Conversations on Comics appeared a translation of an article of mine Todd Klein sul lettering per League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Vol III): Century #2 - 1969 (in uscita quest’estate per Top Shelf & Knockabout ).

Cost Of Name Change Married Nj Social Security

Vaccino antinfluenzale per spray nasale

Australian researchers have successfully tested in the laboratory a synthetic vaccine that immunizes against many strains of flu, including H5N1, avian influenza virus. The study led by Darren Miller, a virologist at the University 'of Adelaide,' published in the Journal of General Virology. Laboratory tests seem to show that the prototype and 'effective in 100% dei casi. ''Il vaccino viene somministrato con una nebulizzazione nel naso'', spiega Millen, evitando cosi' iniezioni non gradite a molti. E' anche a prova di allergia, in quanto di produzione sintetica, quindi non coltivato nelle uova come avviene per i sieri tradizionali, sconsigliati a chi e' allergico alle proteine dell'alimento. Infine non sara' necessario attendere ogni anno i nuovi ceppi di influenza per avviare la ''coltivazione'' degli anticorpi specifici, in quanto il super-vaccino attacca i peptidi del virus anche quando questi sono differenti o mutano.

What Colour Shirt Goes Best With Light Grey Suit

whole class studies the issues of European competition

ACQUAVIVA PLATANI. Christina's World is made of darkness, but darkness where the light of love has found fertile ground and filled the dark sounds and voices of loved ones. Today Cristina, a girl of seven who is blind from birth, is a child who lives in a natural way of its diversity, surrounded by the love of family above all loving and enthusiasm of his teacher and his class. An enthusiasm so contagious that the entire class of eight students learned to read and write in Braille, the system of writing and reading in relief for the blind developed by Frenchman Louis Braille in the first half of the nineteenth century.
A whole class using the Braille is an extraordinary event in its naturalness of which, however, the first to marvel at the aroused media attention, the same teacher, Mary Vaccaro, special education teacher specializing in teaching blind children, Maria Elena Jesus taught English and Jeanne Schillaci, single teacher. What to
Acquaviva Platani something exceptional was happening, it is prudent that the Board periodically visit blind children. So much so that just in Acquaviva will host the 4 th National Day of Braille, with a camper that stazionerà today and tomorrow in town to perform at the sight of the checks to the population. And Thursday, at the "San Giovanni Bosco", will be held il convegno sulla necessità di prevenire le patologie alla vista.
Ieri abbiamo conosciuto questa classe eccezionale, composta da sei bambini e due bambine. Dice l'insegnante Maria Vaccaro: «I libri di testo sono arrivati un po' in ritardo e per non lasciare Cristina indietro li ho trascritti in braille. Quando sono arrivati i libri di Cristina, i compagnetti sono rimasti entusiasti perché anche se era un libro diverso, Cristina leggeva le loro stesse letture ma in maniera molto spedita. A quel punto, con assoluta naturalezza mi hanno chiesto: maestra ci insegni il braille? Partendo dal presupposto della complicità esistente tra i bambini che con Cristina condividono tutto e cresceranno insieme, ne ho parlato con le colleghe che sono state d'accordo.
should be clear that blind children have the same potential of non-disabled children, provided they are made available to appropriate media. From this point of view I have not done anything exceptional but my work. We then purchased the necessary support for other children who now write and read Braille using the tablet Marsella and punch. "
The teachers give a practical demonstration: dictate and children, all of them, write in braille. Needless to say, Cristina beats them and makes no effort by banks to companies in difficulty that are addressed to her for clarification when they have some doubts.
"I really like coming to school - Cristina says - and I really like reading, especially those of religion with the stories of Jesus. " The teachers of Jesus and Schillaci added: "For us it's great maybe seen something special resonance that our work is having, it is actually a completely natural birth after explicit request of the children."
It goes without saying that these non-disabled children who live in a small community like Acquaviva, learning from an early age use of Braille, may have alternative job opportunities. But the future is still far away, but this is done with enthusiasm and warmth, and warms my heart to hear the ticking of the punch that beats in unison on the tablet. The braille as a life lesson so authentic joins. And while these little ones who today give a lesson of life in their genuine simplicity, they also learn English, also in braille. The door has a label that said door and under the symbols embossed braille, as well as other objects in the classroom. All simple, all natural, but also all so special. Cristina smiles and continues to write, go behind the companions, unaware of the extraordinary miracles that have made together.

Monday, February 21, 2011

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Braille on Braille

Subject: European competition on the theme of 2011 Braille

Despite his decision not to celebrate this year's National Day of Braille as part of the protest for failure to issue the implementing regulations of Law 69/2000 for a long expected time, this headquarters announced today that the European Blind Union is organizing the competition on European issues Braille, sponsored by the company and the magazine Onkyo Braille Mainichi "Japanese. The theme chosen for the competition ', as with previous editions, "The Braille literacy changes my way of life", which means that the papers must, in general, illustrate by describing the positive influence of personal experiences Braille in the daily life of the author, but the candidates will be 'free to treat the subject according to his imagination.

The Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired and 'was asked to collaborate in dealing with the conduct of the competition diffusione delle informazioni sul concorso a livello italiano e fungendo da segreteria del concorso per la fase iniziale di selezione delle composizioni dei concorrenti italiani. Le composizioni, in Braille o in formato elettronico accessibile, dovranno essere inviate all'Ufficio Affari Internazionali dell'Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti, via Borgognona 38, 00187 Roma, tel: 06 69988388/375, fax: 0669988328, e-mail: entro il 30 aprile 2011. Si allega il regolamento del concorso.

Si confida in una sollecita e ampia diffusione della notizia.

Cordiali saluti.
(prof. Tommaso Daniele)

Concorso mondiale di temi sul Braille EBU - Onkyo 2011 - Europe

RULES 1. Purpose and subject

1.1 The European competition issues on the Braille organized by the European Blind Union (EBU) on behalf of the company and the Onkyo Braille Mainichi magazine aims to promote the use of Braille as a passkey for blind to information and social inclusion.
1.2 The official topic of the competition, '"The Braille literacy changes my way of life." Through their personal experiences, candidates will describe the positive influence of Braille in their daily lives. But the candidates will be 'free to treat this matter according to its own imagination.

2. Terms General

2.1 Candidates

Anyone who uses Braille and resident in Italy can 'participate in the competition with no age limit'.


Documents * Applicants may submit a paper in Braille on Braille paper or electronic (computer files produced by the use of a Braille keyboard or a computer Braille for review) on the subject described in Section 1.2 more 'above.

* Applicants may not submit more 'of a paper.

* Entries can be in English or Italian.

* The compositions should not exceed 1000 words (with 10% more 'tolerance)

* The compositions must include the following information: name and age 'of the candidate, mailing address, telephone number and possibly e-mail address, word processing.

2.3 Copyright

By participating in this contest
* The authors will give up automatically in a worldwide exclusive all rights, including copyright, EBU, which will 'enable the operation these rights to license or sell them

EBU * The authors will use their name and extracts prepared for their activities' to promote in any manner 'the EBU considers to be' appropriate.

* As the holder of copyright, the EBU puo' dare il permesso agli autori e ai suoi Membri Nazionali di fare uso delle composizioni nella maniera che essi ritengano adeguata.

* I vincitori del concorso Onkyo forniranno all'EBU una loro fotografia e riconosceranno il diritto dell'EBU a riprodurre, adattare, rivedere e pubblicare la loro foto su qualunque mezzo di comunicazione, incluso il web e la stampa.

3. Procedura

* I candidati dovranno inviare il loro elaborato all'Ufficio Affari Internazionali dell'Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti entro il 30 aprile 2010.

* L'Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti dovra' predisporre una pre-selezione in modo da presentare non piu' di cinque composizioni alla Giuria di selezione European Union.

4. * Prize Awards

Ostuki (1st prize): USD 2000

* Award of Excellence (young persons under - up to 25 years): USD 1000

* Award of Excellence (category seniors - from 26 years up) : USD 1000

* Two awards for works of merit (youth category): USD 500 each

* Two awards for works of merit (class seniors): USD 500 each

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Wedding Card Sign Off

2011 Student launches initiative to sites accessible to the blind

From the battle of Lecce Vincenzo, Accessibility cured 'sites

LECCE. A student who is blind in Class 3A Coast Institute of Lecce, Vincenzo Urbano, has launched a web page that is designed to collect guidelines to encourage developers to take care accessibility 'sites at all. Friday 'throughout Italy last year while someone off something to adhere to the symbolic day of energy saving, Vincenzo, on the contrary, on the web page ( / milluminodimeno) containing a questionnaire aimed at people who are blind and visually impaired with questions regarding their relationship with the use of technology. (ANSA).

Bella Band In Mississauga


It's hard to remember
What we did last November
It's hard to forget
What we haven't done yet

It's easy to let go
Of everything you know
And say goodbye
To All Those guys

Lyrics from Redlights contained in Salem's King Night album

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Firex How To Change Batery

Maledetto il Paese che non ha bisogno di giovani

Il filosofo Miguel de Unamuno sferza la sua Spagna fine ’800 con pensieri più che mai attuali per l’Italia today: a need for "fresh sprouts" to renew the relationship between Culture and Nation "

There are no current domestic lives in our intellectual and moral life, and this is a quagmire of stagnant water, not a current spring. Only a stone can agitate the surface and, at best, stirs the mud at the bottom of the well and cloud water. Under soporific atmosphere lies a desert of spiritual dryness terrifying. There is no freshness or spontaneity, there is youth. Here is the terrible point: there is no youth.

A portrait-caricature the English philosopher Miguel de Unamuno

There will be young, but youth is missing. And the point is that the Inquisition and the latent formalism senile to keep suppressed. In other European countries appear to be new stars, most of them are wandering and disappear soon after their appearance, there's cock of the day, the genius of the season, not here, there's even this: always the same dogs and with the same leads. It is said that, here and there, there are germs living and fruitful, means hidden, but the soil is so compact and pressed the tender shoots of the seeds fail to break the deep layer of the crosta, non ce la fanno a rompere il ghiaccio.
Un uomo che, alla sua età, conserva più che una fede matura, un vigoroso entusiasmo giovanile, sostiene che qui i giovani promettono qualcosa sino ai trent’anni, e poi si trasformano in mollaccioni. Non si trasformano, li trasformano; cadono feriti e anemici di fronte al reticolo brutale e ferreo del nostro autoritarismo e della nostra stupida gravità; nessuno dà loro in tempo uno sguardo benevolo e d’intelligenza. Li si vuole diversi da come sono; il nostro spirito di intolleranza irrancidito non riesce a pensare di lasciare che ciascuno si sviluppi secondo le sue inclinazioni e la sua natura.
Poco fa un critico chiedeva un quarto turno all’Español per gli autori emerging and unknown, something like an open-air theater. Generous illusion! We may recognize the new shoot? We miss what Carlyle called the heroism of a people, to recognize her heroes. If the boys founded a magazine, you'll see immediately upon their heads the usual names of the cartel. In intellectual life, as in bullfighting - also plagued by formality - the alternative must be proposed by the hands of old swords, the rest will never go lower than the rank of novillero. Along with this strain against the youth, there is a superstitious servility to the incense.
has been exercised with relentless fury of the task of torment and crush fresh sprouts, without distinguishing the wheat from the weeds to grow, and have not been touched the mistletoe, tumors and growths of the old oaks, incense and untouchable. How many young people died in the prime of this company, which has eyes only for the hackneyed, blind to what you are doing! Considers all those dead who have not enrolled in one of the many freemasonries, one white, one black, gray, red, blue ...
In addition, moreover, that the poverty of our country makes it difficult to earn a living and take root, the primum deinde philosophari life suffocates. The young people are reluctant to leave the hem of her skirt maternal placenta to separate from family, and when they do, dispersed forces in the search for a sponsor to guide them in this chilling savannah. To escape the elimination puts into place all of their chameleon-like ability to take up the dark gray and faded surroundings, and succeed. It is not a fit to the circumstances causing these fit in turn, actively, to them it is a passive adagiarvisi.
We live in a poor country, and where there is a whole meal Moine. Poverty explains our economic anemia mental forces more fresh and youthful are exhausted in the attempt to establish itself in the struggle for its destiny. There are few truths deeper than that for which, in the hierarchy of phenomena social, economic ones are the first principles, the elements.
And our evil is not so much poverty, the commitment to show what is not there. Poverty made with the boiled bones, meat salad the other night, the pains and complaints on Saturdays, lentils on Fridays undoubtedly contributed to the watches of the night spent in reading books of chivalry, which dried up the brain to the poor Alonso the Good. And it is still current among us Domine Cabra's aphorism that hunger and health; Dr. Sagredo has set a trend, and continues to severely stress that tumors expressing the force of blood, and attacks of epilepsy excess health . E we prescribe the diet as a recipe. And care to tell the truth! What the states manfully, without anguish or circumlocution, is accused of pessimism and skepticism by the spirits fragile. He wants to continue the ridiculous comedy of a nation that pretends to be mistaken about their status.
There is a young Spain, or something that matches, no protest which is not an entrenched around the cafe tables, where the pantry is wasted talent and force. And those same Protestant orators of the cafés, many of them playful and full of life, when you face the public are compressed and paralyzed, and as bewitched by the collective view of the beast, they start weaving the most colossal vulgar songs and more hackneyed routine of the public. It smothers the youth without understanding it, wanting to certain serious and formal as God wants the Pharaoh, the first is deafening, then it is called, and seeing that does not respond, it is disparaged. Our company is the old patriarchal family and Castizo enlarged. We live in full presbitocrazia (vetustocrazia was called), under the Senate of the sachems, suffering the imposition of old unable to understand the spirit of youth and whisper: "Do not push, boys," when they act as anesthetics for those who welcome under their protection, "Ah! She is still young, has plenty of time ahead ...», like saying "you do not is still dumb enough to be able to alternate with me. The bewildering hierarchy of antiquity closed and occlusion of all streets.
The same young age or, better, older now, are formalized, you stupid, you are pigeonholed and square, getting covered like a cork, as pedestrians can enter in our board and English, if they behave like good children, become bishops. Where is absent
youth also lack a true spirit of aggregation that arises from the overflow of life, the force that goes up and it is transferred. Here come the ossified society - whether born - because the anti-social is one of our traits. Extended to sexual relationships, our male brutality fomenting anti-social, a source of great vulgarity and obscene postures, finally submitting to the whims of men and women small plots, like so many puffins.
is very depressing to see the damage for the soul of our anti-social, of our wild masked. \\ [... \\] In the common life of the people and businesses, the extreme poverty of ideas leads us to saturate the conversation, as a filler, with clumsy buzzword, thus masking the mental stuttering, daughter of the poverty and opacity to wit, fasting substantial nourishment, leads us to have fun with the joke from the tavern and other low obscenity. Persiste la propensione alla volgare ordinarietà che ho segnalato come caratteristica del nostro vecchio realismo castizo. Su questa miseria spirituale si estende il polipo politico e in questa anemia si sono congestionati i centri più o meno parlamentari. In una politicuccia così meschina l’ingegnosità soppianta il sapere solido e si fanno scaramucce da guerriglia. La piccolezza della politica diffonde il suo virus a tutte le altre estensioni dell’anima nazionale. Ed è in crisi persino il polipo. I vecchi partiti, rinsecchiti nella loro scorza autoritaristica, si trascinano aridi e spunta, come segno dei tempi, il bon ton scettico, quello della distinzione elegante, il neoconservatorismo dilettantesco e da signorini con colpi plutocratici.
Miguel De Unamuno
(condiviso da La Stampa)
(fonte: Tuttolibri, in edicola sabato 19 febbraio)

Thursday, February 17, 2011

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Gelmini Tremonti: "Apply the law, it costs nothing"

The blind Gelmini Tremonti: "Apply the law, it costs nothing"

from the two ministries is still pending and the regulation of a law in 2000 provide funds to the education of deaf and blind " Fermi in the quicksand of bureaucracy. " Protest at the day of the Braille

ROME. They wait for ten years that the law will find concrete implementation through a ministerial regulation, but despite numerous requests and the promise of a table a year ago between the departments of Education and the Economy to discuss the issue, yet nothing has happened. And a state law is not enforced, even if the funds are all earmarked for some time. And so the blind and visually impaired Italian Union and the National Authority for deaf organize a protest Tuesday, February 22, with a delegation that will deliver to the secretariats of ministers concerned, and Gelmini Tremonti, the formal request for adoption of Regulation, threatening in case of more delays in a descent place "indefinitely."

The previous day, February 21, uses the "Fourth National Day of Braille", established by Law 126/2007 and defined at the time by the head of state a "civil solemnity." As a sign of protest at the delays ministerial UIC this year will not participate in the initiatives of the peripheral structures of the Union will celebrate the anniversary with demonstrations, press conferences and visits to schools to promote the method of reading and writing Braille, still current.

Law 69/2000 and remember Uic Ens - devotes significant resources to support inclusive education for disabled people and in particular sensory disabilities: blind and deaf. These sums are intended, at the State Institute for the Deaf, "Thomas Smith" and the school of method "Augusto Romagnoli," both public bodies. The two entities will use the economic resources to carry out research on teaching and special education, vocational training teachers to offer support, advice to parents and targeted interventions in support of inclusive education, traveling through the figure of the teacher. Currently, the sums allocated by the Law 69/2000 are used in an improper manner and in any case different from the purpose of the law. Are, ie, distributed to each school to rain in the educational, without reporting how they are spent.

A year ago, still remember the associations, "thanks to the intervention of a senior government official there was a meeting at the Ministry of Education and we were promised that it would set up a technical committee to reformulate, in agreement with the two ministries, the new opinion: one year has passed now and all is silent, the two ministries, blame with the result that a state law is not implemented yet. " "We maintain UIC and Ens - we believe that this state of affairs is illegitimate and no longer tolerable: it seems incredible that a legislative measure, which does not involve expenditure, because it is already funded for so long could run aground in the quicksand of bureaucracy ministerial. "(ska)

How To Mount Sp550uz On Telescope

another leap in Pandemonium ... and that's it!

The previous post seems to have caused some reaction. Alessandro Bottero, professionals experienced in the past and the person with whom I shared some pleasant time during trade shows and conventions around Italy, write a "emphasis" on comic strip citing with flattering words ( Smoky Man, translator and critic whose knowledge and skill are recognized by all (because they are concrete, and this is true) ) and for this I thank him. Then put
(MI poses. Puts me?), From the title, probably confusing my post , a question "provocative" Planeta Translations: who slaughters everything, Smoky Man?
I say confusing because I never spoke of a "massacre" anything. And the question seems to imply that. In fact the word "massacre" Bottero uses it in the first instance, writing "A professional sees massacred their work, and responds crisply and clearly "and then tie it in a comment to my intervention, the story appeared on the forum Comicus. Certainly not my words then.

simply in the light of my experience as a translator for Bao Service Planeta, judging the final result, ie the volumes published by Peter Milligan HB No. 3 and Pandemonium (as explained above, stopped reading captions on a table with two identical), I decided to stop any possible future cooperation (relating to translations Planeta) . Maybe I would not have another chance, but I wanted to communicate my decision to my interlocutor, namely Bao.

According to one volume of Milligan, as mentioned here and detected with mathematical clarity in the reporting of Fumo di China, the problem is the huge number of errors made in the lettering (all items attached, random hyphenation, etc ...) that has no bearing on the work of translation. The translator

delivery in a Word file or similar format. Point. It makes the lettering, not overseeing anything. The translator does not supervise its translation (God forbid!) Nor the yield of the lettering on this table. Of course, the lettering part (or should start) if and only if the translation, who oversees, is deemed suitable. Then on page letter will (should be done) a further stage (or stages) for revision.

I repeat that in my humble opinion, the quality of a book publisher has final responsibility for whatever the processing chain followed. And the editor on that chain must (should) have any control.

No publisher of comics (and others) should, in my humble opinion, to arrive on the shelves of a book such as HB Milligan No.3. If the translation was not up to an editor with an internal quality control and review system works would not have accepted. Still, if the translation is accepted (because valid), an editor should check the phase of lettering so that the end result is optimal. Not Printed a tome, citing China still smoke, with an average of 1.52 errors per page!

This is the last post from me on this issue. Bottero
I think, given his long experience as a publisher, is well aware of the mechanisms outlined above. And what makes him work to produce the books not burdened with 1.52 errors on page!

Who slaughters what?

Vamos a la playa, amigos! ;)

Harley Davidson Moped

The Council of Europe and the reform of the European Court of Human Rights

Dear Friends,

Hoping to welcome you to what I send you some information on the debates in the Council of Europe, which closely concern the lives of all citizens and in particular that of citizens' vulnerable.

For several years now, I have the task of representing the European Blind Union, of which I am the Second Vice-President, the Conference of international NGOs with participatory status at the Council of Europe. It is about 400 international NGOs belonging to the most 'different sectors of society' civil undertake to unite their efforts to ensure support for the founding principles of the Council of Europe (rights rights, rule of law and democracy) in the 47 member states of the Council. In recent times the discussions of the Conference of international NGOs have focused, among other things, the European Court of Human Rights, which is undergoing a reform aimed at increasing the 'effective its work. To fully understand the advantages and possible disadvantages of this reform and 'must first have in mind what the European Court of Human Rights. It is a supranational court whose founding in 1959, and 'a consequence of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Liberties' key Council of Europe. The European Court of Human Rights individui e organizzazioni possono fare appello contro gli Stati in caso di supposta violazione dei diritti umani e dopo aver esperito tutte le vie legali nazionali. Gli Stati che aderiscono alla Convenzione (in pratica tutti i paesi dell'Europa continentale meno la Bielorussia) devono conformarsi ai verdetti di questo tribunale e, fatto di grande importanza legislativa, con la recente sottoscrizione da parte dell'Unione europea della Convezione dei diritti dell'uomo anche la Corte di giustizia europea e' tenuta al rispetto delle sentenze della Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo. "Vittima del suo stesso successo", quest'ultima ha pero' dovuto confrontarsi con un numero sempre crescente di casi (dal 8400 nel 1999 a 57000 nel 2009) con il risultato di trovarsi nel 2010 con 120000 casi in arretrato. La riforma della Corte, che ha avuto una prima fase di attuazione nel giugno 2010, ha rafforzato le capacita' del Consiglio d'Europa di far applicare i verdetti della Corte da parte degli Stati Parte, ha apportato una serie di modifiche al funzionamento interno della Corte (es. la riduzione del numero di giudici richiesto per occuparsi di quei casi definiti minori) e ai criteri di ammissibilita', che sono stati resi piu' restrittivi. Attualmente sono in discussione ulteriori proposte destinate a snellire il funzionamento della Corte, ma la Conferenza delle ONG internazionali del Consiglio d'Europa e in particolare Amnesty International, pur comprendendo la necessita' di rendere piu' efficiente il funzionamento della Corte, were activated to fight in every way a serious risk that the ongoing reform makes it impossible for individuals and organizations more 'vulnerable to appeal to the European Court of Human Rights. In particular the Conference of international NGOs has resulted in a recommendation (attached in English and in French as well as' non-official translation in Italian), approving the measures proposed to reduce the number of cases before the Court, but firmly rejects the proposal to impose attorney's fees to the applicants to the European Court because this "would create an unacceptable restriction of access to the High Court for the applicants and therefore would cause an intolerable discrimination". This recommendation and 'was released from any association member of the European Blind Union and this will provide' in the coming days to send it to the Representative of the Italian Minister to participate 'in the meetings of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on the reform of the Court , as well as' the President of the Italian parliamentary delegation at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. The NGO Amnesty International has launched a collection of signatures for its petition on the same subject ( due 28/02/2011.



Streptococcus B Throat Infection

vent Thomas Daniel

Cervellin know David for 25 years: I have always appreciated the intelligence, courage, enterprise to the point that I had placed among the ten people who could succeed me in the office of National President. I never understood why 'of so much hostility' against our Union, in which he played as president, just twenty, a section of Treviso.
In virtue 'of his skills, Robert Kervin, with good insight and I commend the' direction of the National Center Tiflotecnico. It was a nice gesture to resign from that position and start his own business after gaining experience with the resources of our Union. He became National President, I tried, however, to forget that misconduct in the hope of being able to recover because of our organization, so 'each time it' came to me with intentions of cooperation I have always given the highest availability 'to the condition that stopped to address criticisms unfounded' Union. He always swore that so 'would be. I can not tell the story of my meetings with David Cervellin. I will confine myself 'a few episodes.
He asked me to organize, in cooperation with our section of Foggia, a conference on vocational training. I took my clearance in the hope that we could finally start a dialogue. Hope went immediately disappointed in his speech Sferro 'a fierce attack on the policy of our organization.
On another occasion he asked me to sign a memorandum of understanding between his company ', the Tiflosystem, and our National Center Tiflotecnico. A few days later, I found him in parliament to oppose a law that we have promoted the increased contribution all'Irifor. With the help of Farigu succeeded 'in order, sending smoke into the allocation of two billion that was painstakingly managed to wrest the House Budget Committee.
I met him on another occasion in Ferrara. I was there 'to give a lecture at the University' of that city '. He proposed yet another Memorandum of Understanding. I noticed that I could not sign agreements of any kind with those after 24 hours they ignore. The wife comment ' David was a free spirit, I answered that the free spirit must come to terms with freedom 'of others.
The last time I met him just before the celebration of our National Congress XXII. Gave me 'a few bottles of his wine and offered me' advice on working. Perhaps she expected that I shall ask the entities' in the fee. I did not. The fact is that a week after he wrote on the list, not calling for the election of the entire management, including the National President.
This man can 'boast of having contributed, more recently, with the help of Farigu non-approval of a law which increased the contribution of € 600,000 to the National Library Queen Margherita di Monza.
Nessuno di noi ha eccepito alcunche' quando ha creato il Centro Efesto con un grosso contributo della Regione Veneto e nessuno di noi eccepisce ancora oggi che egli gestisca tale centro in regime di monopolio nell'assegnazione degli ausili, come riferiscono gli amici del Veneto. Ma Davide Cervellin ha bisogno di protagonismo, di fare notizia; cosi', mentre 500 ciechi provenienti da ogni parte d'Italia protestavano presso la Regione Veneto nei confronti dell'assessore Sernagiotto, che vuole cancellare tutti i contributi finora concessi alle associazioni storiche, egli rilasciava un'intervista definendo quei ciechi "un'ammucchiata di straccioni" e sostenendo che "i dirigenti delle associazioni vantano rimborsi e note spese degne di un manager d'azienda" (See ns. Circular No 291/2010).
We can not accept being trampled the dignity 'of the blind Italian, who every day fight hard for equal opportunities' and can hold your head high in society ', showing off their diplomas, their degrees, their professionalism'. This Cervellin knows and mind, knowing lie. Mind, knowing that lying, even when referring to redemptions and expense managers. We can not list here reimbursement, expenses for obvious reasons, however, to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe managerial 'spoken of, here are the allowances' annual charge of the National President and members of the National Directorate indicated before:
* National President _ 30,990.00
* Vice President * National
_ 18,595.00 _ Component Bureau
9300.00 8060.00 _ * Members of the National Leadership
The net is further subject to taxation when the allowances' are placed in individual income tax return. With regard to compensation
'charge of regional and provincial executives either do not exist or, if they exist, are measuring very low price. I invite the regional and provincial presidents to make public. This invitation 'extended to institutions affiliated with the Union: the Irifor, the Library, the Federation, the Agency. We have everything to gain from their publication. Transparency and 'has been and will' always one of the principles underpinning of our Association.
Enough! The extent and 'really full. Or a public apology or complaint!
Cosi 'decided the National Directorate. He does so with great regret, 'cause after all David Cervellin and' a blind man like us, but patience has a limit, and David has passed more 'times. Since ', however, the offenses of Cervellin affect the entire body association, the National Directorate also want to know your opinion. We adopt the rule of silence gives consent. Only those who are not 'agree must' communicate within 8 days of receipt of this letter. Sincerely

prof. Thomas Daniel