Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Corner Bath Shower Rail

Sometimes disobedience is necessary

Today more than ever it is essential to trust in the sense of responsibility of many good servants for the public by officials of central and local governments, doctors, professionals in the service of citizens. In fact, in the vacuum of policy and institutions in the disaster, civil disobedience in the face of inconclusive or illegal orders, and, conversely, the sense of duty towards the people most vulnerable and exposed, there can still be saved from the worst. Before it's too late. And a good example of true "responsibility" has come in recent days by the Association of Medical Social Security, in reference to the substantial failure of the new procedures for the recognition and assessment of disability civil

There are at least two ways, in this politically turbulent period , to conceive of a "sense of responsibility." One is - leaped to the headlines in recent weeks, Parliament - to put at the disposal of the President of the Council to ensure, in a decisive way, the continued of even a narrow parliamentary majority, so that there was talk of "government Scilipoti", to name only the most unique and memorable name, but certainly not the only one.
Another way to demonstrate responsibility is to demonstrate that, in different circumstances, many civil servants. Aldo Cazzullo in a short piece on the supplement of the Corriere della Sera, "" Io Donna, "he recalls with a tinge of sadness, the story of Emilio Fede caposcorta that, at some point, decided to tell you how Should you have to do their jobs, from 8 am to 4 days later, forced to turn to her home late all the girls, more or less virtuous, provenienti dalle feste di Arcore. A un certo punto il suo senso di responsabilità gli ha imposto di raccontare i fatti, e di comportarsi da servo dello Stato, e non di un altro padrone.

In tutt'altro contesto, che più mi sta a cuore per le conseguenze vitali che il gesto di responsabilità è destinato a comportare, balza agli occhi la forza di una lettera aperta, scritta dai responsabili nazionali dell'Associazione dei Medici INPS, alle principali associazioni delle persone con disabilità: ANMIC (Associazione Nazionale Mutilati ed Invalidi Civili), FISH (Federazione Italiana per il Superamento dell'Handicap), UIC (Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti), ENS (Ente Nazionale Sordi), UNMS (Unione Nazionale Maimed for Institutional Service) [our site published the letter cited above, which is available by clicking here, Ed].
start from the final sentence, which is not written by one of the first conscientious objectors, but just by a doctor of public service: "Even in the military world, where the order is received in clear breach of the law, is allowed disobedience" . Wow. A harsh sentence. What is surprising at the end of a letter for clarity and honesty and professional ethics. A resounding confirmation of the doubts and complaints, compared to the extraordinary maneuver controls on certificates of disability agreed between the Ministry of Economy and the Institute of Social Security.

But let's see some other crucial passage in his letter. "Now you navigate to view a more stormy sea, entangled in contradictory provisions do not apply and questionable, if not illegal," they write Vagnarelli Silvio Ammann and Francis, on behalf of the Directors of the Association of Physicians INPS.
"It is our duty at this point, photographs of the seriousness of the situation to protect not only citizens but also of the Medical Institute, in respect of which there is a tendency, more and more, download the responsibility of seeing a disservice many other responsibilities. WE ARE MORE WILLING TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS ABSURD GAME - add all caps -. For months we have tried in vain to offer our willingness to propose remedies, report faults, to improve a process slow, cumbersome, bureaucratic AND FULL OF CRITICAL OF ANY KIND, in a nutshell A PROCEDURE THAT DOES NOT WORK. "
It turns out, inter alia, that the conditions in which they work, doctors INPS can not guarantee their presence in the commissions provided for precisely this extraordinary amount of testing.

Another phrase I was very struck by his brutal journalistic evidence "for special verification has unexpectedly decided to set up calls with an interval of 15 minutes. The result is the long waits in waiting rooms, that put a strain on citizens who, in many cases, they feel oppressed by the mere fact of having been summoned and whose protest is directed only to the Medical verifier, apostrophe, and often badly injured, sometimes with the complicity of the media, without has never raised a word of support from the Body, which puts him first in an operating condition of extreme deprivation, then not supporting it when a national protest for alleged inefficiency. "
FISH gloss in this way: "This explains also the absence of Social Security in Medici sessions of the Commissions investigation ASL Act requires the 102/09, but the leadership INPS invites her to not go first, then participate, then to prepare a verbal parallel. Confirmation, even from the INPS, the inconvenience to thousands of citizens, passed unnoticed for months, minimized, or justified by the need to flush out "fake invalids", but in fact is inconclusive for the ongoing administration for special verification "[if they ever read on our website by clicking here, Ed].

It should be noted - among the many things that do not work - that the announced electronic procedure for submitting applications for certification of disability (which therefore has nothing to do with the issue of false disabled) is not working at all. And rightly FISH has prepared the text of a possible parliamentary question, assigned to the "good heart" of deputies and senators "responsible" [read it here, Ed].
Here, I believe that today more than ever it is essential to trust in the sense of responsibility of many good servants for the public by officials of central and local governments, doctors, professionals in the service of citizens.
In the vacuum of political institutions in the disaster, civil disobedience in the face of inconclusive or illegal orders, and, conversely, the sense of duty towards the people most vulnerable and exposed, there can still be saved from the worst. Before it's too late.


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