Thursday, February 24, 2011

What Does Idler Pulley Do

Seminari di studi sul "nomenclatore tariffario" 2011

the rehabilitation process FUNCTIONAL AND SOCIAL people with sight aids TIFLOINFORMATICI THROUGH: IT skills and awareness of ophthalmologists and figures responsible for the rehabilitation of the blind and visually impaired.

1. Introduction:

tifloinformatici The use of aids is an extraordinary process of functional rehabilitation for the blind and visually impaired, thanks to them, in complete autonomy can read, write and communicate on a par with sighted people.

job opportunities, culture, information, communication and entertainment offered by these new fields of independence won, inevitably result in an equally remarkable social rehabilitation of the visually impaired, that weight becomes the protagonist in his own family and in your environment.

The national and local institutions responsible for providing aids and the Union of Italian Blind and Visually Impaired, which protects the interests dei minorati della vista, e tutte le figure specialistiche che gestiscono questo processo, hanno quindi il dovere morale, prima che la responsabilità, di interagire fra di loro per il perfezionamento, la semplificazione e la economizzazione di questa preziosa forma di riabilitazione in modo tale da renderla sempre più efficace e gratuita a tutti i minorati della vista che la richiedono.

2. Obiettivi generali:

Il seminario formativo nasce appunto dall’esigenza di offrire risposte chiare ai numerosi quesiti posti dai soggetti che a diverso titolo intervengono nel processo di riabilitazione visiva. In particolare:

i minorati della vista chiedono:

1. di disporre di una efficace rete di cooperation that can sustain them and their families in the process of visual recognition of disability and rehabilitation to identify the most appropriate to their residual capacity;

2. comprehensive advice in choosing the most suitable aids to individual needs and different diseases, uniformity of action calling for the deployment of devices, including the realities of healthcare of the four provinces of Abruzzo;

3. update the tariff nomenclature prosthetic and more information on the various forms of contributions for individual devices, both under the nomenclature that those not recommended by the ministerial decree;

Union Italian for the Blind and Visually Impaired asks

1. in order to inform the visually impaired also aware that, while not being involved, they turn to health facilities or Abruzzesi to ophthalmologists;

2. uniformity of treatment for all visually impaired people in the region and for the enjoyment of those rights provided by the entire national and regional legislation related to technical aids and computer

ophthalmologists and orthoptists ask

1. to know and be updated regularly on devices on the market and the tariff nomenclature in order to establish a unique functional link between aid and pathology, in accordance with the obligations Law art. 5 co. 2 of the Ministerial Decree of 28 December 1992;

staff responsible for the allocation of AT ASL asks

1. clear rules, continual updating of knowledge and the solutions adopted by other local in order to establish a uniform mode of allocation.

3. Specific objectives:

first report. The first report will focus on the psycho-pedagogical analysis of subjects with visual impairment and the importance of electronic aids in their rehabilitation process, with particular attention to the social function of rehabilitation. To this end, the speaker will have expertise in psychological and typhlology.

Second report. The second report will have the important task of clarifying the meaning of the functional and social rehabilitation of the legal rules laid down by the numerous national and international level. The report will focus on the overall meaning of the term "functional" and "social" also clarifies the principle of "functional uniformity" mentioned by Legislative Decree 332/1999. The rapporteur will have expertise in the field of rehabilitation and will focus on different modes of action for the various age of the subject with visual impairments.

Third report. The third report will focus on legislazione nazionale e su quella della Regione Abruzzo: ne chiarirà l’applicazione e ne evidenzierà le criticità. La relazione conterrà anche la descrizione di esperienze regionali virtuose. Il relatore avrà esperienza in campo giuridico ed in particolare nella legislazione speciale.

Quarta relazione. La quarta relazione porrà l’accento sulla realtà abruzzese riguardo il processo riabilitativo in generale, ponendo attenzione sui processi riabilitativi attuati nelle quattro province abruzzesi; illustrerà i progetti del Comitato regionale d’Abruzzo dell’Agenzia Internazionale per la Prevenzione della Cecità, IAPB-Italia onlus. I relatori (due oculisti del Polo IAPB Abruzzo) avranno il task of explaining the reality of Abruzzo as a whole and update on the activities of Polo prevention and rehabilitation.

Fifth Report. The fifth and final report will be held in the afternoon and will address specifically the technical analysis of AT tifloinformatici payable under the National Health Service (listed in the Parts Price List) and introduce the related workshops. The speaker will be recognized competence in the field and tiflotecnico tifloinformatico and explain specifically, the following tools in the Parts Price List:

* Voice synthesizer - Equipment connected to a PC capable of playing at least words in Italian to unlimited vocabulary and able to read item in the screen in text mode. 201.11.0121.09.15.003

* System ICR-recognition system and reading printed texts by scanner complete with application software for personal computers. 201.31.0121.06.06.003

* Magnifier for personal computer software - text magnification image of the screen of a personal computer 8 to 16 times. 201.21.0121.06.03.009

* braille display (tested at home) - a device with a minimum of 20 piezoelectric Braille 8-point, connected to a personal computer and able to reproduce in braille the screen in text mode

- to 20 Braille characters. 201.11.0521.15.15.003

- a 40 caratteri braille. 201.11.0721.15.15.006

* Stampante Braille Collegata ad un PC - stampa in caratteri braille a facciata singola i dati inviati attraverso la porta parallela o seriale, velocità di stampa 20 caratteri al secondo.

4. Organizzazione:

Data, luoghi e tempi del seminario: sabato 11 giugno 2011, Pescara, Auditorium L. Petruzzi - Via delle Caserme dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 18.00
Metodologia adottata: relazione; workshop; dibattito;
Scaletta generale delle relazioni:

- Dalle ore 8.30 alle 9.00: registrazione dei partecipanti.

- Dalle ore 9.00 alle 9.15: apertura del seminario effettuata dal Presidente UIC Regional Council of Abruzzo.

- Start time 09:15 to 13:00: Discussion of the first four reports. The reports will be introduced by two moderators.

- from 13.00 to 14.00 - Lunch Buffet.

afternoon - from 14.00 to 15.00: Discussion of the fifth report, introduced by a moderator.

- From 15.00 to 17.00: workshops to hands-on aids. Each workshop will be led by industry experts, mostly blind and partially sighted people who held demonstrations with screen-readers, magnification systems, scanners and multifunction printers, braille and black connected to a PC, notebook and PDAs, a tablet i-pad, a mobile phone, etc..

- From 17.00 to 18.00: discussion, conclusions and test ECM

5. Actors:

- visually impaired and family

- ASL managers and staff of rehabilitation and prosthetic services;

- ophthalmologists and orthoptists;

6. Stakeholders concerned with CME credits:

- ophthalmologists;

- orthoptists;

7. Membership:

Entries must be received by filling out the application form to be received by the due date of May 21, 2011, at the headquarters I.Ri.Fo.R. Abruzzo, ophthalmologists and interested orthoptists CME credits will be charged the same € 30.00 per share fee. The I


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