Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Merilyn Sakova Vs Milena Velba

Air Travel: Alitalia has Safety Card for the blind

ROME. The safety cards for passengers who are blind and visually impaired. The initiative is unique in the world, 'was presented today by the President of ENAC Vito Riggio, and the managing director of Alitalia, Rocco Sabelli.

The paper, which has all the safety information for the passenger, and 'made in Braille, with figures in readability' for visually-impaired and in accordance with the requirements of legibility 'and contrasting colors for the visually impaired. The new map 'was developed in collaboration with ENAC, the National Federation of Institutions for the Blind. Alitalia will be 'the first company in the world to make it available on board the aircraft of about 90 medium-haul Airbus fleet.

In particular, on board an Alitalia Airbus medium-haul aircraft, passengers who are blind and visually impaired as well as receiving a personal briefing by cabin staff will be able to see the new card that will contain ': - print texts with fonts and colors suitable for the visually impaired (and any companions) - printed books in Braille - the figures printed in 3D to illustrate issues such as the location of exits, the design and configuration the cabin, the mode 'to fasten and unfasten your seat belt, their positions in case of emergency, the use of life jacket and oxygen mask.

''Cosi 'as already' happened for the first edition in Europe of the Passenger Bill of Rights in Braille, which we have printed and made available since June 2010 - Riggio says - we are proud to present this additional information useful support in favor of blind and visually impaired passengers. I want to remember that it 'was created for the first time in the world and will travel from our country' flight of Alitalia, the first company to adopt the draft. Alitalia, therefore, chose this new policy to welcome on board dei viaggiatori con disabilita' visive, segno della particolare attenzione del vettore alle necessita' del passeggero''.

''Dedichiamo questa iniziativa - ha aggiunto Sabelli - alle migliaia di passeggeri non vedenti e ipovedenti che ogni anno volano con la nostra Compagnia. Alitalia e' orgogliosa di essere la prima compagnia aerea al mondo ad aver scelto di adottare questo nuovo strumento dedicato alla serenita' e alla sicurezza dei passeggeri e che rappresenta un ulteriore passo del proprio percorso di innovazione e di responsabilita' sociale''.

La safety card per non veenti e ipovedenti sara' disponibile, entro fine marzo, su tutti gli aerei della flotta a medio raggio di Alitalia. (sen/mcc/alf)


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