Thursday, February 24, 2011

Lower Left Abdominal Pain And Climax

Web più accessibile per i non vedenti

His is a mission: to combat prejudice on the blind use of new technologies and encourage designers to better treat accessibility of sites. Vincent Rubano (photo) is a blind student of Class 3A Coast Institute of Lecce "tired of absurd prejudice prevailing among the people, that those without the use of view can not use the computer and the Web page, even learning to program in advanced computer languages, "the complaint in this post.

He then took advantage of the campaign "M'illumino less" conducted by the program "Caterpillar" Rai Radio 2 to launch its own battle called "M'illumino less ... but we 'see' more." An initiative that will use Web to raise awareness and to discuss.

On February 18, 2011 it returned "M'illumino less", the Energy Saving Day was launched by Caterpillar popular radio show, broadcast on Rai Radio 2. This year is special because it was dedicated to 150 years of Italian unification.
The invitation to citizens, institutions and companies, is to help create the "energy silence", symbolically turning off the lights are switched on and if anything, to clean, made from renewable sources.

Even my school, the Institute of Costa Lecce, is participating this year and does so with my own that I called "M'illumino less ... but we 'see' more!" I am Vincent Rubano, a student of Class 3A, the visually impaired.

Since the category of blind people, for reasons of force majeure, may not notice the lights go out, at home, the street or in the streets, I thought of an original way to participate in the Radio 2 also all the people who are in my condition.

On 18 February 2011, at 18, rather than turn off a light, I "on" this web page. The page will remain "on" for a week, until 25 February, and will serve to make a survey about the use of new technologies (computers, internet, social networks, etc..) by the blind.

I go to the address "programmers" and I often hear you ask, with wonder, how can a blind guy can use the PC, Web and related services, or even learn how to program in HTML, PHP etc.. This

my idea, then, wants to dispel this belief and show bad that there are many persons who do not have the use of sight, are quite capable of "seeing" a monitor!

On this basis, I would then "turn on" public attention on the delicate question of accessibility web sites and computer programs, by calling the poll to express a personal "advice" to give to programmers and designers to ensure that from now on no longer neglect this important aspect.

Thursday, February 17, Massimo and Philip (the conductors of the transmission Caterpillar), spoke directly to my initiative, I'm excited ....

I really hope that many people participate in the poll, so I will get two results, the first is to make sense of valid research and the second is that it contributed in my small way, to spread the good initiative "M ' Lights not "even the blind people.

In closing the period of observation, data collection and elaborate, again on this page, in a few days I will publish the results of the survey. If these are encouraging, and if the media will give you a hand in publishing the results in turn, may be able to scratch with this simple yet another injury and to encourage people to "open your eyes"!


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