Thursday, February 17, 2011

Streptococcus B Throat Infection

vent Thomas Daniel

Cervellin know David for 25 years: I have always appreciated the intelligence, courage, enterprise to the point that I had placed among the ten people who could succeed me in the office of National President. I never understood why 'of so much hostility' against our Union, in which he played as president, just twenty, a section of Treviso.
In virtue 'of his skills, Robert Kervin, with good insight and I commend the' direction of the National Center Tiflotecnico. It was a nice gesture to resign from that position and start his own business after gaining experience with the resources of our Union. He became National President, I tried, however, to forget that misconduct in the hope of being able to recover because of our organization, so 'each time it' came to me with intentions of cooperation I have always given the highest availability 'to the condition that stopped to address criticisms unfounded' Union. He always swore that so 'would be. I can not tell the story of my meetings with David Cervellin. I will confine myself 'a few episodes.
He asked me to organize, in cooperation with our section of Foggia, a conference on vocational training. I took my clearance in the hope that we could finally start a dialogue. Hope went immediately disappointed in his speech Sferro 'a fierce attack on the policy of our organization.
On another occasion he asked me to sign a memorandum of understanding between his company ', the Tiflosystem, and our National Center Tiflotecnico. A few days later, I found him in parliament to oppose a law that we have promoted the increased contribution all'Irifor. With the help of Farigu succeeded 'in order, sending smoke into the allocation of two billion that was painstakingly managed to wrest the House Budget Committee.
I met him on another occasion in Ferrara. I was there 'to give a lecture at the University' of that city '. He proposed yet another Memorandum of Understanding. I noticed that I could not sign agreements of any kind with those after 24 hours they ignore. The wife comment ' David was a free spirit, I answered that the free spirit must come to terms with freedom 'of others.
The last time I met him just before the celebration of our National Congress XXII. Gave me 'a few bottles of his wine and offered me' advice on working. Perhaps she expected that I shall ask the entities' in the fee. I did not. The fact is that a week after he wrote on the list, not calling for the election of the entire management, including the National President.
This man can 'boast of having contributed, more recently, with the help of Farigu non-approval of a law which increased the contribution of € 600,000 to the National Library Queen Margherita di Monza.
Nessuno di noi ha eccepito alcunche' quando ha creato il Centro Efesto con un grosso contributo della Regione Veneto e nessuno di noi eccepisce ancora oggi che egli gestisca tale centro in regime di monopolio nell'assegnazione degli ausili, come riferiscono gli amici del Veneto. Ma Davide Cervellin ha bisogno di protagonismo, di fare notizia; cosi', mentre 500 ciechi provenienti da ogni parte d'Italia protestavano presso la Regione Veneto nei confronti dell'assessore Sernagiotto, che vuole cancellare tutti i contributi finora concessi alle associazioni storiche, egli rilasciava un'intervista definendo quei ciechi "un'ammucchiata di straccioni" e sostenendo che "i dirigenti delle associazioni vantano rimborsi e note spese degne di un manager d'azienda" (See ns. Circular No 291/2010).
We can not accept being trampled the dignity 'of the blind Italian, who every day fight hard for equal opportunities' and can hold your head high in society ', showing off their diplomas, their degrees, their professionalism'. This Cervellin knows and mind, knowing lie. Mind, knowing that lying, even when referring to redemptions and expense managers. We can not list here reimbursement, expenses for obvious reasons, however, to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe managerial 'spoken of, here are the allowances' annual charge of the National President and members of the National Directorate indicated before:
* National President _ 30,990.00
* Vice President * National
_ 18,595.00 _ Component Bureau
9300.00 8060.00 _ * Members of the National Leadership
The net is further subject to taxation when the allowances' are placed in individual income tax return. With regard to compensation
'charge of regional and provincial executives either do not exist or, if they exist, are measuring very low price. I invite the regional and provincial presidents to make public. This invitation 'extended to institutions affiliated with the Union: the Irifor, the Library, the Federation, the Agency. We have everything to gain from their publication. Transparency and 'has been and will' always one of the principles underpinning of our Association.
Enough! The extent and 'really full. Or a public apology or complaint!
Cosi 'decided the National Directorate. He does so with great regret, 'cause after all David Cervellin and' a blind man like us, but patience has a limit, and David has passed more 'times. Since ', however, the offenses of Cervellin affect the entire body association, the National Directorate also want to know your opinion. We adopt the rule of silence gives consent. Only those who are not 'agree must' communicate within 8 days of receipt of this letter. Sincerely

prof. Thomas Daniel


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