Monday, February 21, 2011

Pattycakeonline New Pic

Braille on Braille

Subject: European competition on the theme of 2011 Braille

Despite his decision not to celebrate this year's National Day of Braille as part of the protest for failure to issue the implementing regulations of Law 69/2000 for a long expected time, this headquarters announced today that the European Blind Union is organizing the competition on European issues Braille, sponsored by the company and the magazine Onkyo Braille Mainichi "Japanese. The theme chosen for the competition ', as with previous editions, "The Braille literacy changes my way of life", which means that the papers must, in general, illustrate by describing the positive influence of personal experiences Braille in the daily life of the author, but the candidates will be 'free to treat the subject according to his imagination.

The Italian Union of the Blind and Visually Impaired and 'was asked to collaborate in dealing with the conduct of the competition diffusione delle informazioni sul concorso a livello italiano e fungendo da segreteria del concorso per la fase iniziale di selezione delle composizioni dei concorrenti italiani. Le composizioni, in Braille o in formato elettronico accessibile, dovranno essere inviate all'Ufficio Affari Internazionali dell'Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti, via Borgognona 38, 00187 Roma, tel: 06 69988388/375, fax: 0669988328, e-mail: entro il 30 aprile 2011. Si allega il regolamento del concorso.

Si confida in una sollecita e ampia diffusione della notizia.

Cordiali saluti.
(prof. Tommaso Daniele)

Concorso mondiale di temi sul Braille EBU - Onkyo 2011 - Europe

RULES 1. Purpose and subject

1.1 The European competition issues on the Braille organized by the European Blind Union (EBU) on behalf of the company and the Onkyo Braille Mainichi magazine aims to promote the use of Braille as a passkey for blind to information and social inclusion.
1.2 The official topic of the competition, '"The Braille literacy changes my way of life." Through their personal experiences, candidates will describe the positive influence of Braille in their daily lives. But the candidates will be 'free to treat this matter according to its own imagination.

2. Terms General

2.1 Candidates

Anyone who uses Braille and resident in Italy can 'participate in the competition with no age limit'.


Documents * Applicants may submit a paper in Braille on Braille paper or electronic (computer files produced by the use of a Braille keyboard or a computer Braille for review) on the subject described in Section 1.2 more 'above.

* Applicants may not submit more 'of a paper.

* Entries can be in English or Italian.

* The compositions should not exceed 1000 words (with 10% more 'tolerance)

* The compositions must include the following information: name and age 'of the candidate, mailing address, telephone number and possibly e-mail address, word processing.

2.3 Copyright

By participating in this contest
* The authors will give up automatically in a worldwide exclusive all rights, including copyright, EBU, which will 'enable the operation these rights to license or sell them

EBU * The authors will use their name and extracts prepared for their activities' to promote in any manner 'the EBU considers to be' appropriate.

* As the holder of copyright, the EBU puo' dare il permesso agli autori e ai suoi Membri Nazionali di fare uso delle composizioni nella maniera che essi ritengano adeguata.

* I vincitori del concorso Onkyo forniranno all'EBU una loro fotografia e riconosceranno il diritto dell'EBU a riprodurre, adattare, rivedere e pubblicare la loro foto su qualunque mezzo di comunicazione, incluso il web e la stampa.

3. Procedura

* I candidati dovranno inviare il loro elaborato all'Ufficio Affari Internazionali dell'Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti entro il 30 aprile 2010.

* L'Unione Italiana dei Ciechi e degli Ipovedenti dovra' predisporre una pre-selezione in modo da presentare non piu' di cinque composizioni alla Giuria di selezione European Union.

4. * Prize Awards

Ostuki (1st prize): USD 2000

* Award of Excellence (young persons under - up to 25 years): USD 1000

* Award of Excellence (category seniors - from 26 years up) : USD 1000

* Two awards for works of merit (youth category): USD 500 each

* Two awards for works of merit (class seniors): USD 500 each


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