Saturday, February 19, 2011

Firex How To Change Batery

Maledetto il Paese che non ha bisogno di giovani

Il filosofo Miguel de Unamuno sferza la sua Spagna fine ’800 con pensieri più che mai attuali per l’Italia today: a need for "fresh sprouts" to renew the relationship between Culture and Nation "

There are no current domestic lives in our intellectual and moral life, and this is a quagmire of stagnant water, not a current spring. Only a stone can agitate the surface and, at best, stirs the mud at the bottom of the well and cloud water. Under soporific atmosphere lies a desert of spiritual dryness terrifying. There is no freshness or spontaneity, there is youth. Here is the terrible point: there is no youth.

A portrait-caricature the English philosopher Miguel de Unamuno

There will be young, but youth is missing. And the point is that the Inquisition and the latent formalism senile to keep suppressed. In other European countries appear to be new stars, most of them are wandering and disappear soon after their appearance, there's cock of the day, the genius of the season, not here, there's even this: always the same dogs and with the same leads. It is said that, here and there, there are germs living and fruitful, means hidden, but the soil is so compact and pressed the tender shoots of the seeds fail to break the deep layer of the crosta, non ce la fanno a rompere il ghiaccio.
Un uomo che, alla sua età, conserva più che una fede matura, un vigoroso entusiasmo giovanile, sostiene che qui i giovani promettono qualcosa sino ai trent’anni, e poi si trasformano in mollaccioni. Non si trasformano, li trasformano; cadono feriti e anemici di fronte al reticolo brutale e ferreo del nostro autoritarismo e della nostra stupida gravità; nessuno dà loro in tempo uno sguardo benevolo e d’intelligenza. Li si vuole diversi da come sono; il nostro spirito di intolleranza irrancidito non riesce a pensare di lasciare che ciascuno si sviluppi secondo le sue inclinazioni e la sua natura.
Poco fa un critico chiedeva un quarto turno all’Español per gli autori emerging and unknown, something like an open-air theater. Generous illusion! We may recognize the new shoot? We miss what Carlyle called the heroism of a people, to recognize her heroes. If the boys founded a magazine, you'll see immediately upon their heads the usual names of the cartel. In intellectual life, as in bullfighting - also plagued by formality - the alternative must be proposed by the hands of old swords, the rest will never go lower than the rank of novillero. Along with this strain against the youth, there is a superstitious servility to the incense.
has been exercised with relentless fury of the task of torment and crush fresh sprouts, without distinguishing the wheat from the weeds to grow, and have not been touched the mistletoe, tumors and growths of the old oaks, incense and untouchable. How many young people died in the prime of this company, which has eyes only for the hackneyed, blind to what you are doing! Considers all those dead who have not enrolled in one of the many freemasonries, one white, one black, gray, red, blue ...
In addition, moreover, that the poverty of our country makes it difficult to earn a living and take root, the primum deinde philosophari life suffocates. The young people are reluctant to leave the hem of her skirt maternal placenta to separate from family, and when they do, dispersed forces in the search for a sponsor to guide them in this chilling savannah. To escape the elimination puts into place all of their chameleon-like ability to take up the dark gray and faded surroundings, and succeed. It is not a fit to the circumstances causing these fit in turn, actively, to them it is a passive adagiarvisi.
We live in a poor country, and where there is a whole meal Moine. Poverty explains our economic anemia mental forces more fresh and youthful are exhausted in the attempt to establish itself in the struggle for its destiny. There are few truths deeper than that for which, in the hierarchy of phenomena social, economic ones are the first principles, the elements.
And our evil is not so much poverty, the commitment to show what is not there. Poverty made with the boiled bones, meat salad the other night, the pains and complaints on Saturdays, lentils on Fridays undoubtedly contributed to the watches of the night spent in reading books of chivalry, which dried up the brain to the poor Alonso the Good. And it is still current among us Domine Cabra's aphorism that hunger and health; Dr. Sagredo has set a trend, and continues to severely stress that tumors expressing the force of blood, and attacks of epilepsy excess health . E we prescribe the diet as a recipe. And care to tell the truth! What the states manfully, without anguish or circumlocution, is accused of pessimism and skepticism by the spirits fragile. He wants to continue the ridiculous comedy of a nation that pretends to be mistaken about their status.
There is a young Spain, or something that matches, no protest which is not an entrenched around the cafe tables, where the pantry is wasted talent and force. And those same Protestant orators of the cafés, many of them playful and full of life, when you face the public are compressed and paralyzed, and as bewitched by the collective view of the beast, they start weaving the most colossal vulgar songs and more hackneyed routine of the public. It smothers the youth without understanding it, wanting to certain serious and formal as God wants the Pharaoh, the first is deafening, then it is called, and seeing that does not respond, it is disparaged. Our company is the old patriarchal family and Castizo enlarged. We live in full presbitocrazia (vetustocrazia was called), under the Senate of the sachems, suffering the imposition of old unable to understand the spirit of youth and whisper: "Do not push, boys," when they act as anesthetics for those who welcome under their protection, "Ah! She is still young, has plenty of time ahead ...», like saying "you do not is still dumb enough to be able to alternate with me. The bewildering hierarchy of antiquity closed and occlusion of all streets.
The same young age or, better, older now, are formalized, you stupid, you are pigeonholed and square, getting covered like a cork, as pedestrians can enter in our board and English, if they behave like good children, become bishops. Where is absent
youth also lack a true spirit of aggregation that arises from the overflow of life, the force that goes up and it is transferred. Here come the ossified society - whether born - because the anti-social is one of our traits. Extended to sexual relationships, our male brutality fomenting anti-social, a source of great vulgarity and obscene postures, finally submitting to the whims of men and women small plots, like so many puffins.
is very depressing to see the damage for the soul of our anti-social, of our wild masked. \\ [... \\] In the common life of the people and businesses, the extreme poverty of ideas leads us to saturate the conversation, as a filler, with clumsy buzzword, thus masking the mental stuttering, daughter of the poverty and opacity to wit, fasting substantial nourishment, leads us to have fun with the joke from the tavern and other low obscenity. Persiste la propensione alla volgare ordinarietà che ho segnalato come caratteristica del nostro vecchio realismo castizo. Su questa miseria spirituale si estende il polipo politico e in questa anemia si sono congestionati i centri più o meno parlamentari. In una politicuccia così meschina l’ingegnosità soppianta il sapere solido e si fanno scaramucce da guerriglia. La piccolezza della politica diffonde il suo virus a tutte le altre estensioni dell’anima nazionale. Ed è in crisi persino il polipo. I vecchi partiti, rinsecchiti nella loro scorza autoritaristica, si trascinano aridi e spunta, come segno dei tempi, il bon ton scettico, quello della distinzione elegante, il neoconservatorismo dilettantesco e da signorini con colpi plutocratici.
Miguel De Unamuno
(condiviso da La Stampa)
(fonte: Tuttolibri, in edicola sabato 19 febbraio)


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