Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fake Snow Resorts In Tennessee

“Che bella giornata”

Ti siedi nella poltrona dell’ampia sala cinematografica e all’apparire delle prime immagini già sorridi. Il personaggio, di nome Checco, è simpatico, si muove con naturalezza goffa e irridente, il linguaggio, un misto di italiano e dialetto con accento marcatamente pugliese, lo rende impacciato e nello stesso tempo spigliato nei dialoghi e nel comportamento.

Checco è un bravo “terrone” bene integrato nella splendida dinamica Milano, brillante e avvincente nel donarsi agli altri, nel dispensare consigli agli amici, pronto a superare a suo vantaggio le difficoltà del quotidiano vivere. “Cocco di mamma” we once said, loved by friends and relatives living with smug indifference worried his days just to find a fixed employment. Checco want to wear the uniform of a policeman, but was rejected three times for exams. However, the dream of wearing a uniform, to be vigilant even in a public or private, ever goes down. It occurs so through the mother, the pastor of the district where lives to be employed by the Bishop Museum in the city with an urgent recommendation to the Bishop of Milan. Get a contract of three months with the promise of power to make a career in the supervision of museum property, and then also have access to the protection of senior cardinals. Checco, naive praticone, performs the task with diligence, but also with superficiality. Hex wants to meet a Muslim girl who, with his brother and the support of other secret terrorist plot to blow up the Madonna del Duomo where Checco was intended to do It 's beautiful Farah Muslim, and our inexperienced young s' falls in love with her, but in a different direction than many first times with peers and girls just met. His heart now shudders, Checco not express, for shyness, and feelings. A trip to Puglia to participate in the rite of baptism of a child, takes the girl and her family Checco in the country of origin. The fat and merry representation of small events, with irony and sarcasm makes surreal il modo di vivere e di comportarsi della gente del sud: amicizie, spavalderia, favoritismi, regalie, bravate, piccole corruzioni vengono sviluppate con sapienza dal bravo regista Gennaro Nunziante. Ritornati a Milano, la sorpresa: il giovane affabile Checco viene licenziato. L’ultimo giorno del suo lavoro di guardia alla Madonnina è vissuto con tristezza ma anche con sorpresa finale. Farah porta, chiuso in una valigia, un dono al suo amico. Anche lei vivrà quel giorno con La valigia non contiene un dono per Checco ma il timer che dovrà fare esplodere la bomba preparata dai terroristi per distruggere la cupola del Duomo e la Madonnina. La bomba esploderà, ma in luogo lontano. La ragazza in quei pochi giorni vissuti con Checco e con la famiglia him, including, with pain and regret, what it means family, love, love, feelings she denied for absurd reasons of hatred and revenge. She will go away, run away with her brother and other terrorists from Italy, but did not want to leave marks of blood and a trap in his path. Did not destroy the beautiful cathedral. Earlier I wrote: "the first image already smiling." It 's true, but I smiled bitterly and anxiety. I have lived similar experiences failure and his friend made the recommendation, the priest, friend and devoted mother, father and children away tired. In this fine film is all told with wonderful ease, the comedy is not powered, as in this time, the vulgarity, the soundtrack accompanying the viewer and the piece involves him nicely exposed. "What a beautiful day." What Bell'Italia! And what a nice Italians, bishops and peasants, priests and believers. My anger that I say bravo to South Checco Anzalone and the director have wittily narrated and represented part of our behavior with sharp realism, to smile and enjoy the inattentive viewer. But how much bitter truth. I smile it is true, but needle sharp point have the heart. I wonder if one day this irony will not serve to change a people and direct them to think and believe in justice and equality without some manipulation? We smile, I repeat, I and many spectators, pretending to learn what we already know for some time, while a grin of bitterness and sadness was fixed on our lips.

Giacomo Giannone


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