Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What Colour Shirt Goes Best With Light Grey Suit

whole class studies the issues of European competition

ACQUAVIVA PLATANI. Christina's World is made of darkness, but darkness where the light of love has found fertile ground and filled the dark sounds and voices of loved ones. Today Cristina, a girl of seven who is blind from birth, is a child who lives in a natural way of its diversity, surrounded by the love of family above all loving and enthusiasm of his teacher and his class. An enthusiasm so contagious that the entire class of eight students learned to read and write in Braille, the system of writing and reading in relief for the blind developed by Frenchman Louis Braille in the first half of the nineteenth century.
A whole class using the Braille is an extraordinary event in its naturalness of which, however, the first to marvel at the aroused media attention, the same teacher, Mary Vaccaro, special education teacher specializing in teaching blind children, Maria Elena Jesus taught English and Jeanne Schillaci, single teacher. What to
Acquaviva Platani something exceptional was happening, it is prudent that the Board periodically visit blind children. So much so that just in Acquaviva will host the 4 th National Day of Braille, with a camper that stazionerà today and tomorrow in town to perform at the sight of the checks to the population. And Thursday, at the "San Giovanni Bosco", will be held il convegno sulla necessità di prevenire le patologie alla vista.
Ieri abbiamo conosciuto questa classe eccezionale, composta da sei bambini e due bambine. Dice l'insegnante Maria Vaccaro: «I libri di testo sono arrivati un po' in ritardo e per non lasciare Cristina indietro li ho trascritti in braille. Quando sono arrivati i libri di Cristina, i compagnetti sono rimasti entusiasti perché anche se era un libro diverso, Cristina leggeva le loro stesse letture ma in maniera molto spedita. A quel punto, con assoluta naturalezza mi hanno chiesto: maestra ci insegni il braille? Partendo dal presupposto della complicità esistente tra i bambini che con Cristina condividono tutto e cresceranno insieme, ne ho parlato con le colleghe che sono state d'accordo.
should be clear that blind children have the same potential of non-disabled children, provided they are made available to appropriate media. From this point of view I have not done anything exceptional but my work. We then purchased the necessary support for other children who now write and read Braille using the tablet Marsella and punch. "
The teachers give a practical demonstration: dictate and children, all of them, write in braille. Needless to say, Cristina beats them and makes no effort by banks to companies in difficulty that are addressed to her for clarification when they have some doubts.
"I really like coming to school - Cristina says - and I really like reading, especially those of religion with the stories of Jesus. " The teachers of Jesus and Schillaci added: "For us it's great maybe seen something special resonance that our work is having, it is actually a completely natural birth after explicit request of the children."
It goes without saying that these non-disabled children who live in a small community like Acquaviva, learning from an early age use of Braille, may have alternative job opportunities. But the future is still far away, but this is done with enthusiasm and warmth, and warms my heart to hear the ticking of the punch that beats in unison on the tablet. The braille as a life lesson so authentic joins. And while these little ones who today give a lesson of life in their genuine simplicity, they also learn English, also in braille. The door has a label that said door and under the symbols embossed braille, as well as other objects in the classroom. All simple, all natural, but also all so special. Cristina smiles and continues to write, go behind the companions, unaware of the extraordinary miracles that have made together.


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