Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bill T Jones Sun Studios New York

job, final go-ahead to restore the quota reserved for disabled

approved a bill to restore the share of compulsory recruitment: the Labour Commission of the Senate voted on the text during the deliberation

ROME - the final green design law that returns the quota on compulsory employment for people with disabilities: the Commission of the Senate Labor and Social Welfare has approved the text in the deliberation
interprets the meaning of the rule had provided a right of priority orphans and widows of victims of war and terrorism, stating that is not affected the share prescribed by law for persons with disabilities. After the classroom is the House, the Commission's Labor and Social Security of the Senate is the definitive one: there is no need of a change in the classroom. The text of the bill AS 2545 (the first signatory of the Democratic Party Amalia Schirru) concerns "the authentic interpretation of paragraph 2 of Article 1 of Law November 23, 1998, No. 407, on the application of the provisions concerning compulsory recruitment and the quotas in favor of the disabled "Yesterday there was the vote of the Budget Committee.

The result, expected by family members and associations, is the result of a long and laborious work carried out in the relevant committee and emerged in the aftermath of the approval of Law 126/10 on international missions, which went to art .5 curtail the percentage of jobs reserved for the disabled to support of orphans and widows of war. That is going to change, in fact, paragraph 2 of Article 1 of Law No 407 of 1998 on the latter obligation confidential recruitment, amplifying the effect and establishing some sort of priority of recruitment than other categories of persons in distress. "I am very pleased - said Amalia Schirru before signing - and met: the course was fast, the House there was a unanimous vote and finally healed the rift is created between the inevitably weak. Back to the right to work for the disabled, but without prejudice to the volont5à on our part to open up new opportunities to the families of victims of labor and terrorism. Maybe thinking about an extension of the quota reserved for them. Hopefully from now on you can do better. "

street demonstrations since last October, the danger of seeing in 2011 in Italy over 20 thousand seats reserved for disabled employees from" other categories "of workers, the data of V daunting Report Parliament that indicate a strong discrepancy between the subscribers to the placement and the effects of goodwill created has actually accelerated the process and allowed the bill to become the common heritage of many disabled people, in groups and associations. Already at the end of January, in fact, the House had unanimously dismissed the act in the relevant committees and the Sacconi had reassured on outgoing calls, all relating to the mandatory employment of disabled people in 2011.

remained the only vote of the Labour Commission this afternoon the Senate: the goal was reached. "A great result - he added Augusto Battaglia, responsible for the Pd-term care - one of the bill Schirru, made possible by the great efforts of associations for the disabled. This law gives a right and almost 10 thousand seats reserved. Now, however, must still work, beyond the satisfaction, and continue in this effort to get the results that Law 68 does not emerge from the V Report to Parliament. "


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